I Didn't Know You Felt That Way(Request)(Enemies To Lovers)

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A/n: Y/n and Mattheo have been the Slytherin rivals ever since second year when he played a trick on her. But little do they know that the 'Hate' they may feel will transform to 'love' quickly. There is a thin line between love and hate and here in this oneshot is where it will get blurred.

Requested By: @Avaluvgood


I was walking down the hall next to Mia(Best friend) when I passed Mattheo Riddle and his group. I glared at him and he glared back. Honestly, I don't know what I did to deserve his hostility, but I just repay it the same way. Well, I do know why I used to not like him. He tricked me one too many times in our second year but I'm pretty much over that. Now I just don't like him because he hates me.


I was sitting in potions and unfortunately I have to sit next to Mattheo. I was trying to focus but I couldn't. Because there was an annoying guy poking me in the leg every other minute. I take a deep breath and try to ignore it but he still keeps doing it.


A few minutes later, I couldn't take it anymore. I jabbed Mattheo in the side with my elbow and he finally stopped. The rest of the class went on without any interruptions. When I got out of the class, I met up with Mia in the courtyard.

"Hey. How is your lover?" She asks me.

"What?" I ask with confusion.

"Mattheo. Y/n I see the way you look at him. Your actions say 'hate' but your heart and eyes say 'love'. So do yourself a favor and tell him. Please." Mia tells me.

"I don't have a crush on him, Mia. So just drop it." I say sternly to her before I walk away to get supper.


After supper, I walked to the astronomy tower where I leaned against the railing looking out of Hogwarts grounds.

"Why do I feel like this about him? Why him of all people?!" I shout into the darkening sky.


I don't know how much time passed but it was completely dark outside. I zoned out but then was snapped out of it by a bag. I look at the door and see my crush and enemy, Mattheo. He walks to the other side of the rail.

"What are you doing up here?" I ask, not really caring about the answer.

"Clearing my head. I'm trying to figure out why the girl I like hates me." He tells me nonchalantly. 'Maybe it's you he likes' the little voice in my head says but I push it off.

"Maybe she hates the way you treat people. The way you make fun of everyone. The way you poke and prod in matters that are not yours. THE WAY YOU WEASEL YOUR WAY OUT OF ANY PROBLEM OR SITUATION!" I burst out, letting all my hatred for him out.

"Wow, some nerve you got saying that, L/n" He says, not even looking at me. I can't take his attitude anymore. So I stomp up to him and turn him to face me.

"SHUT UP! YOU ARE ALWAYS NAGGING ME! ALWAYS ANNOYING ME! YOU DON'T THINK OF THE REPERCUSSIONS, YOU JUST ACT! I HATE THE WAY YOU THINK! I HATE WHAT DO YOU TO PEOPLE WHO AREN'T LIKE YOU! I HATE HOW YOU THINK THAT YOU ARE ABOVE EVERYONE ELSE! I HATE THAT YOU, THE GUY I LIKE, HATES ME! I HATE THE FACT THAT DESPITE ALL OF THESE THINGS I STILL FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU!!" I finish screaming at him and then back up to my original pot by the other wall. My head catches up and reviews what I just said. I just confessed to my enemy that I love him. Mia was right. But it's not a simple crush, it's love. Tears cloud my eyes as I sink to the floor and think of the embarrassment that I'm gonna endure for the rest of my school life. I don't hear any noise from him so I look up and see that he has a smile on his face. He walks over to me and crouches down by me. He takes my hand in his and smiles even bigger at me.

"Y/n. The girl I like, well, love, is you. I knew you hated me but I never hated you. I just didn't know how to show my feelings and I also didn't think you would return my feelings. So I made fun of you to get rid of my feelings but just seeing you everyday made them even stronger. I'm sorry for what I put you through." He finishes speaking and I see a few tears go down his face. I take a deep breath and look him in the eyes.

"I didn't know you felt that way." I tell him honestly. I put my hand on his cheek and lifted his face to look at me. A smile makes its way onto my face as I lean in to kiss him. He does the same thing and we share a kiss.


After that confession situation, me and Mattheo sat there together, eventually falling asleep in each other's arms, both of us, happy with the one we love.

A/n: Not gonna lie I had major writers block for this one. Hopefully you like it. Thanks for reading. Bye until next time.

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