How Many?!(Request)(Our Future Sequel)

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A/n: "that was amazing can u do a part 3 where u tell ur parents and u go into labor and it ends up u are having quadruplets when u thought u were having triplets? thx I love your writing" Sounds fun. I will do my best. Thanks. I hope you enjoy.

Requested By: @Riddlesgirl383

Warning: Very slight smut, not much, barely any tbh. Possibly some language but idk yet.


Today is the first ultrasound and I'm nervous. Right now I'm about 22 weeks along. (At this point the baby is fully visible, I confirmed it with google(: )

"Hey sweetheart, are you ready?" Theo asks me as he wraps his arms around me from behind and rests them on my baby bump.

"I'm nervous. What if something is wrong?" I say, almost in a panic.

"Nothing is wrong. Our baby is completely fine." Theo says before we head to St. Mungos. We arrived and got to a room right away. (In this one, ultrasounds are gonna be the muggle way cuz I don't know how to do that) When the doctor entered she started the process so that we can see our baby. 

"Alright, your babies look just great. Growing at the right rate, healthy, and just wonderful." The doctor said, then it set in my brain.

"Wait, did you say babies? As in more than one? PLURAL?!" I kinda start to freak out but Theo kisses my forehead to calm me which helps a bit.

"Yes, you are having triplets. Congratulations." The doctor said and I just smiled. I never imagined this happening but we'll roll with it. But now I gotta tell my parents. Oh no.


I take a deep breath as me and Theo floo to my parents house.

"SWEETIE! YOU'RE HERE! FINALLY!" My mother yells in happiness.

"Hi mom. Things have gotten stressful." I say honestly to her. We all sit down and talk for a while.


Ok, now it's time to tell them. I take a deep breath.

"Are you alright, honey." My dad asks me.

"I need to tell you both something. As you know, I'm pregnant. But we have some good news. You aren't just gonna have one grandchild, you're three grandchildren." I say and then stop to see their reactions. My dad is stunned and my mom is smiling.

"Honey, that is unexpected but amazing!" My mom says happily. I smile at her then turn to my dad and see him nod in agreement with mom.

"A lot of work. Good luck sweetie." He says with a laugh. They both hug me and Mattheo.


When we got home for the hopefully last hospital visit before the birth, I sigh as I sit on the couch.

"How are you feeling, baby?" Theo asks me. I look at him and sigh.

"I feel like a balloon that's way past its popping point." tell him.

"It's ok, you'll get through this." He tells me as he hands me a tea and sits next to me.

"I'm not so sure." I say as I rest one hand on his thigh and the other on my belly.

"Well, you will. Does it help that I still think you're sexy?" He whispers to me before kissing my neck. A blush creeps onto my face. As he kisses my neck, I involuntarily moan.

Mattheo Riddle OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now