A/n: How Are You All Doing?

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Hey everyone. 

I want to help in any way I can. 

So I just wanted to put this on here quick just in case anyone wanted to speak about their problems. 

I'm pretty sure you are all supportive of me but also of everyone else here. 

Also I'm always here to talk if any of you need it. 

I might not be the greatest advice giver but I can listen and try my best to comfort. 

So if anyone wants to share something, feel free to comment or private message me if you aren't comfortable sharing it here. 

I mainly put this on here because lately I have been feeling like I don't have a true best friend anymore. 

Ever since my ex best friend stabbed me in the back, it's been kinda hard. 

I mean, yeah I have good friends but none of them I would consider a best friend. 

But oh well, that's life, right? 

Yeah, I might not be 100% ok right now but I'm ok. 

I hope you are all ok too. 

I promise new updates are coming very soon. 

Thanksgiving break is coming so I'll have more time to write. 

Thanks for reading this very weird and random update. 

Have a good night or day, whatever it is for you. 

See ya next time. 


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