One Night Changed Us(Request)

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A/n: "Can you do one where y/n wakes up in a bed to mattheo and then after that they start dating" Yes I can. Here it is.

Warning: Slight spicy talk

Requested By: @Lizzymagic101


I feel the sun on my face. My eyes flutter open and I see curtains that I didn't have in my room. I glance around and see that I'm in a slytherin dorm room. A private one to be exact. I look to my left and see a window. Then I look to my right and see the one and only Mattheo Riddle sleeping there. He looks so peaceful. His curls fall naturally and his face has a small smile. Not a smirk but a smile. I lean over and kiss his cheek. The memories from last night come floating back. It is kind of shocking that me, a hufflepuff, slept with a slytherin. I smile as his eyes flutter open.

"Morning, love. Last night was amazing." He says in his morning voice which is unbelievably sexy.

"Hi. You remember last night?" I ask him and he sits up on his elbows.

"Of course I do." He says in an obvious tone.

"I just thought that since I'm a hufflepuff, you wouldn't want to keep me here long or that you would deny that anything happened." I say as I look down, avoiding his gaze. His hand tilts my head up to look into his eyes.

"I would never deny anything with you. I don't care what house you're in. I actually love the fact that you're a hufflepuff." He says and I smile at him more.

"Really?" I said in a small voice. He chuckles a bit.

"Yes. You're sweet, loyal, sometimes shy, but last night, I got to see your true colors. You can get wild but I love it. I've always been attracted to you. I just never got the courage to go up to you but last night, when I saw you at the party, I saw my chance and took it." He finishes and I'm a blushing mess.

"So you like me?" I ask him.

"Yes. In fact I love you. You don't have to say it back but would you be my girl?" He says in a small voice. A surge of confidence goes through me and I get up slightly but only to straddle him. My hands go to his chest and his hands automatically go to my hips.

"I would love nothing more than to be yours." After I said that, he moved forward and captured my lips with his. That then turned into a make out session but it was heaven.


Mattheo and I have been dating for a year now. I was meeting him at his dorm because he wanted to talk. So I knocked on his door. When he opens the door, he immediately picks me up, closes the door, and brings me to his bed. I look and see that he has a cuddle date (Imagine what you want for that) set up for us. I pull him close to me and lay on his chest.

"I love you, Theo." I whisper to him as our date starts.

"I love you too, my love. My Y/n. Always and forever?" He asks in a soft voice.

"Always and forever, baby." I tell him before our lips meet for a short while then we continue our date. I'm content and happy with my life.

A/n: One of the requests done!!!! Sorry it's so short. I'm gonna try and post more but that depends on how much homework I have. Hope you like this oneshot. See you all next time. Bye peoples.

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