My Rescuer(Request)

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A/n: Y/n gets cornered and beaten up by a group of Ravenclaws(No hate to Ravenclaws). So, she goes to Mattheo and he cleans her up.

Warning: Physical Fight. Cuts, bruises, and Pain.

Requested By: @CuteHeather


I was on my way back to the common room when I ran into a group of Ravenclaw guys. For some reason these guys are always wanting to beat me up. I don't even know their names or who they are so why they hate me, I have no idea. But here I was, about to be beaten by them. One of them took a swing. I tried to block it but it hit me in my shoulder. The next hit was my stomach. Then my side and that continued until I was on the floor and they were kicking me. I saw black spots until my vision went black.


When I came too I was still on the floor in the hallway but the boys were gone. So, I mustered up the strength and got up. I wince in pain as I had cuts and bruises forming on me. I got the strength to continue to the common room. It was well past curfew so no one was up. I, as quickly as I could, walked to Mattheo's private room. I knocked on the door and heard a groan from the other side of the door. And it was at that moment that I knew that I woke him up.

"What do you want?" He mumbles before he looks up at me. I smile slightly.

"I need a little help, baby. Sorry for waking you." I mumble to him. He shakes his head, pickles me up, brings me inside, closes the door and brings me to the bathroom.

"No need to apologize. But darling, what happened? When did this happen?" He asks as he gets out the medical kit after setting me on the counter to clean my wounds. He gets the supplies out and places a hand on my side but I wince. He sighs and mumbles a 'sorry'.

"There are some bruises and cuts on my stomach." I whisper out. He nods and takes off my shirt. I mean, he's seen me naked before but now his touch is gentle and careful. The way I love it the most. He then gently puts some ointment and bandages on the semi-major cuts and some bruise cream on the bruises. As he did that he talked to me.

"Who did this?" He asks softly.

"Some ravenclaw guys. I didn't even do anything but they cornered me. I think one of them was Davies. And possibly a group." I say quickly as I hold my breath when he puts medicine on a cut and it stings a bit.

"I'm gonna get them back. And no one will ever hurt you again." He tells me. Then he kisses me and continues.


When he was done fixing me up, he picked me up, helped me change into one of his shirts for sleep and then he brought me to the bed. He laid down next to me and I laid my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I am not going to let anyone else hurt you ever again. I promise. I love you, my princess Y/n." He whispers to me as I am about to fall asleep.

"I love you too, my prince Theo.' I whisper back. Then we both fall asleep.

A/n: Sorry if it's a bit rushed. I wanted to get it done and get another update. So, tell me what you think in the comments. I am still open for requests so comment on them. Don't forget to vote. Oh, and if you ever just wanna talk to me or ask for advice, you can private message me. If you ever just need a friend, I can be that friend. Also, I had a quick question.

Do you ever get annoyed with your emotions, feelings, and mind when it comes to having a crush or someone you like?

Because I was getting annoyed with myself today because I saw my crush multiple times so I was just wondering if anyone else felt like this. Comment your answers. Thanks. And bye until next time. 

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