Mattheo x R.A.B's Daughter!Reader(Part One)

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A/n: Y/n is the daughter of Regulus Black. Her mom has been homeschooling her because she is afraid of what will happen when people find out who her father is. By the way, she is fifteen and going into her fifth year.


My mom just called me downstairs. So, I went down and saw her with some photo albums on the table.

"What's up, mom?" I ask as I take the seat next to her.

"This is your father, when he was seventeen." She tells me as she hands me a picture. "And the other guy is your uncle, Sirius Black." She adds.

"Isn't that the guy that supposedly murdered people on you-know-who's orders?" I ask. She nods.

"Yes, but he didn't do it." mom tells me.

"Ok. Did we buy all my stuff?" I ask, changing the subject. She chuckles and nods again. You see, I am starting at Hogwarts, my fifth year in the fall. The same school that my dad and mom went to.

"But, before we drop you off, I want to introduce you to your uncle. He may be able to tell you some things about your father that I can't." mom says to me. I smile at her and we continue to look at the pictures of her Hogwarts days.


We arrived outside of 12, Grimmauld Place. I stand there frozen in place looking at the home of my father. My mom urged me forward so I went forward. We go into the house and are greeted by Molly Weasley. Mom knows her, they talked in school. She hugged mom and then me.

"And who is this darling you lady?" she asked mom.

"This is Y/n, my daughter, Sirius's niece." Mom explains slowly. Molly gasps and quickly urges us forward. We go into I believe the dining hall. At the head of the table, sits a guy with long brown-ish-black hair, curly, like the guy in the picture but older. As soon as he sees me and mom, I can see his eyes light up. He stands up and rushes over to hug mom. I see another guy stand up with shorter sandy brown hair. He walks over to us as well. Mom and the guy pull apart and she smiles at me.

"Y/n, this is your uncle, Sirius. Sirius, this is Regulus' daughter, Y/n." She finishes. At the mention of my dad, Sirius looks at me. And I immediately run into his arms. He immediately returns the hug and I smile into his chest. When we pulled away, he kissed my forehead and smiled at me.

"You are so much like Regulus. The hair, the eyes, the skin, and the personality." He finishes and mom takes me to the table to sit down. Sirius sits on my left while mom sits on my right. Then I see Harry Potter walk in. He hugs Sirius and eyes me. He isn't that good looking and kind of creepy with the way he is looking at me. I look away from him and make conversation with my mom and Remus, her other friend from school. I got introduced by Sirius and I got to eat a meal with the new people.


I was now on the train to Hogwarts in a compartment alone. I was reading up on 'Hogwarts A History' and magical creatures when I heard a knock at the door. I looked up and my eyes met some handsome brown eyes. He opened the door and gave me a small smile. One of those that someone who doesn't smile often gives to a new person when they wanna be nice. I smile back.

"Do you care if I sit here?" He asks like he doesn't know how to ask nicely. I'm guessing he's more of the bad boy type and is the 'rude prick' type to everyone.

"Oh, yeah, sure. Go ahead." I respond with a smile. The guy sits down across from me. I stick my hand out for him to shake.

"I'm Y/n Black-L/n. I'm new to Hogwarts." I say with a smile. He shakes my hand and nods.

"Mattheo Riddle. You said 'Black' as in Sirius Black?" He asks after he lets my hand go.

"Yeah. He's my uncle. My dad was Regulus Black. I never met him. But I met my uncle so that's something." I admit. It's easy to talk to this guy even though he is a Riddle. I don't care.

"Oh, I'm sorry you never met him. If it helps, my father is a complete asshole." He says and I laugh at his comment.

"It helps a bit. Anyway, what house are you in?" I ask, curious about this guy.

"Slytherin. I think you'd do good in slytherin." He compliments. I chuckle at that comment.

"You think?" I ask kind of teasingly.

"Yeah. You have the slytherin type personality from what I can tell." He says to me, and I smile. We continued to talk after that. So, we continued to talk until we got to Hogwarts. We got off the train, Mattheo and I followed the crowd into the castle. I was told to wait outside so I did. I heard my name called from inside so I opened the doors and proceeded up to the front. I sat on the stool and the hat thing that my mother told me about was placed on my head.

"Well, it's a mysterious child that has secrets she wants to keep. And yet a great curiosity. That can be a dangerous combination. Let's see, you are eager to prove yourself, ambitious as your mother and father, yes, I remember them well. You could also be as cunning as Salazar himself if my analysis is correct. Hmm. You also have qualities of a wise ravenclaw, loyal hufflepuff, and a brave gryffindor sometimes. This is an unusual mind you have. Strong in many areas but also weak in a few. Very unusual indeed." The hat finishes as it contemplates its decision.

"Alright. Better be..." the hat trails off to create suspense.

A/n: Cliff hanger Sorry. I bet you can guess what house she'll be in though. Part two, coming soon. Be back soon.

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