I Will Love You Like You Are My Own(Part Two)

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A/n: Y/n has a daughter from a previous relationship. Her daughter's father died in the second war. The father wasn't Y/n's true love so unfortunately her daughter was a surprise baby but that doesn't matter. When her daughter, Katya or Kat for short, is 6 years old and Y/n is 24 years old. Y/n is working as a secretary to the newly appointed Mr.Riddle. She knew the last name and that you know who had two sons but she didn't know which one would be her boss. One day when she was walking to work, she meets her new boss unexpectedly on the street. How will her daughter react to her mom's new 'friend' maybe lover? Hope you enjoy.



"Here are the new cases we got yesterday sir. I looked over them a little even though that is your job but-" I stopped talking the minute I looked up. It's him.

"Y/n?" The voice said.


"Oh I'm so stupid. Of course the guy I start to like turns out to be my boss." I mumble to myself as I set the case files on his desk and walk out quickly to "check the store room", for what? I don't know. I just want to get as far away from him as possible to avoid rumors, gossip, and embarrassment.

"Y/n? Are you alright?" I hear Nina ask me.

"Nope I'm not." I say honestly.

"Wait, why? What's up?" She asks me and my breathing just keeps getting faster.

"Well, I just found out that I'm gonna be working very closely with a guy that I went out with last night. Now I'm freaking out because I'm pretty sure that he recognized me." I say fast as I sit down and try to calm down. Nina nods, understanding my dilemma. She walked away while I tried to relax.

Mattheo POV

I just saw Y/n. The girl I went out with last night. The same girl that has been in my mind ever since. Now she just ran out after finding out that I'm her boss. I want to go talk to her but I don't know where she went. So I got up and walked out. I saw one of the other desk workers there. Her name tag said 'Nina' so I walked over to her.

"Hey, Nina, right? Do you know where Y/n ran off to so suddenly? I wanted to talk to her about some things." I ask nicely but still slightly in an authority voice. She looks at me with a guilt kind of look, almost.

"Oh, yeah, she had to get some things from the supply room. She didn't say how long it would take her though, sir." Nina tells me.

"Good to know. Thank you, Nina." I say before I walk to the storage room to find Y/n. I got there, looked a bit and found her curled in a ball, crying so much that she's shaking. I walk over to her, kneel down by her and start to smooth and stroke her hair.

"What is it?" She jolts up quickly and says. 

"Did I do something?" I ask her. She looks embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know that you were my boss when we went out on that date. Now I'm gonna have to find a new job because you're gonna fire me." She says fast. Oh no. I would never fire her.

"Y/n. I would never fire you. Work can be separate from personal life. I would love to try. If you want to?" I ask her hoping she says yes.


He just asked me if we can keep personal life and work life separate. Of course I can. Hopefully.


So me and Mattheo have been dating for about a month. It's been a bit difficult on my end because he is such a sweet guy but he is also incredibly handsome. There have been a few times we kissed a little in his office but that's it. I want to do more but I don't want to get caught and I don't want me or my daughter to be hurt in the process. 

Mattheo Riddle OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ