Memories(Part One)

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A/n: Mattheo gets temporary amnesia from a misshapen and Y/n tries her best to get his memories back but it will be hard considering they are married, and have a daughter and a son who won't know why their father doesn't know them. (Multiple parts. Maybe two or three depending on how short they are.)


I walk into the hospital room and see Mattheo, my husband of six years, the father of my five year old son and my three year old daughter, and he was just staring at me like he has no clue who I am. Which he doesn't consider he has temporary amnesia. This will be so hard on Cody. He adores his father. So does Aria and this will make her so sad to see that her daddy doesn't know her.

I take a deep breath and sit in the chair next to his bed.

"Hi, Mattheo. Do you know who I am?" I ask him. He looks at me with a blank face. I smile at him but then before he can say something, Aria jumps on his lap.

"DADDY! YOU'RE AWAKE!" Aria joyfully yelled when she got onto Theo's lap and threw her arms around him. Cody came up and held my hand instead of going to Theo. He probably sensed that Theo wasn't all there.

"Aria, honey, please get down. Daddy is hurting." I say to her calmly, trying not to have my voice crack. Aria got down and went to my other side. I looked down and saw Cody staring at Mattheo. With a confused and sad expression.

"Are you my family?" Mattheo asks me. I nod.

"Yes. I'm your wife. We've been married for six years and we have two children. This is Cody, our five year old son, and then this is Aria, our three year old daughter. The reason you are here is because you had an accident at work." I stop talking when the healer comes in. Our family healer's name is Mr. Mallow and he is a very experienced healer.

"Hello, Mr.Riddle. Glad to see you awake and visiting with your family. I'm guessing you are probably wondering what happened to you. Am I correct?" He asks Theo.

"Yes, I am wondering." Theo answered.

"Well, there was a cursed item that was brought into your work but unfortunately, no one knew it was cursed. When you went to examine the item as one of your tasks, the curse took place and emitted a blast that sent you flying and ramming into the wall. It gave you a slight concussion and temporary amnesia. The amnesia could take a few days to a few months and unfortunately, sometimes it has taken years for a patient to regain their full memory. You could get flashes or bits and pieces of your memory. Just let them sink in and tell someone when you get a memory. I'll leave you to talk now." Mr Mallow said to Theo. Then he left the room and Theo turned back to me.

"Before, Mr Mallow said that we could take you home either later today or tomorrow morning. I'm staying here overnight if you stay but the kids will be going with my sister." I finish talking but he is still staring at me. I sigh and pick up Aria.

"Mommy, why is daddy hurting?" Aria asked me. Tears clouded my eyes.

"Honey, daddy hurt his head at work and will need some help. But tonight you are going to visit auntie Mia and uncle Nick along with Kara. How does that sound." I got up after talking and led the kids to the hallway where I saw Mia, Nick, and Kara. Mia smiled sympathetically.

"Hey, sis. How is he doing?" Mia asked me. A tear rolled down my cheek as I bit my lip.

"I'll take the kids to the car and meet you at the house, ok M?" Nick asked her. Mia nodded and he walked off. Me and Mia sat down.

"It's so hard. It is practically impossible to sit in there and watch as he just stares blankly. It's like he is just a shell of a person. It hurts, Mia. I just wanna hug him and kiss him but I can't because he doesn't know me." I can't finish because I am sobbing too much. Mia hugs me until my sobbing is only slow crying.

"I know it's hard, sweetie. But you have to stay by him. You love him." Mia finishes and hugs me before apparating to her home.

After she left, I went in and saw Theo asleep.

"I love you, Theo. So much. Ya know, I have this vial and it's a true love memory potion. The little woman in the small store I got it from said that it would help your true love last, even over curses, spells, and ironically amnesia. She sold me the biggest bottle and told me one sip from each would do the trick. I just hope it works. I love you, baby. Please remember me." I said to a sleeping Theo. I take out the bottle. Take a sip and feel tired. I hope this potion works.

A/n: This was an original idea. Well, almost original. I put a twist on the idea that I got from another oneshot. Hope you liked it. Thank you. Bye until next time.

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