Revenge Is Sweet(Request)

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A/n: "Hey, i really love your writing and was wondering if you could do one in which mattheo sees you beet up your bully or so". I didn't know how to rewrite this one so I just copy and pasted the request. I will probably do that from now on. Just a heads up.

Requested by: @MattheoRiddlesgirl19


I was walking down the hall when I heard the laughs from that stupid group of Ravenclaw girls. (No hate for Ravenclaws. I just couldn't do Slytherin because Y/n is a Slytherin and that would be hard for me to do.) I ignored them and tried to continue walking but next thing I know, I was pushed onto the ground. My book fell and spread onto the floor as the girls laughed. The girls surrounded me but I have had enough. I swept their legs out from under them. They all fell. I kicked most of them and they ran away all except for Cho Chang. She has been my bully ever since first year. She's older than me but I am more flexible and better in a fight than her. I only felt sympathy for her when her boyfriend died. I gave my condolences and she didn't even say thank you, she just walked away. She is an ungrateful slut. I heard she kissed Harry and maybe even slept with him barely a year after Diggory died. I think it's time I teach this girl a lesson.

"I have had it with you bullying me and harassing me. It's time you get a taste of your own medicine." I say as I hold her down, bang her head on the ground and punch her. I got in a few punches before a crowd started to gather and chant.

Mattheo POV

I was walking out of Charms when I saw a crowd and I heard chanting and cheering. Things like 'Punch her!' and 'Hit her back!' and some other things that I couldn't make out. So I just went over there. But when I did I saw the most sexiest thing I have ever seen. So, I just watched as she punched Chang multiple times. It was only when Chang got a few hits to Y/n's face that I grabbed her by her waist and dragged her to my room. The entire way she was yelling and fussing.

"WHAT THE HELL, THEO?!" She yelled as I slightly roughly sat there on the counter in my bathroom.

"CALM DOWN! You are bleeding and I need you to calm down and be quiet for a minute. Ok?" I ask and she nods but I can still see anger within her and that she is still aching to punch someone or something. I sighed.

"Ok. If you want to get your anger out, punch the wall. It will hurt but your anger will be gone." I told her. She jumps down, goes over to the wall behind me, punches it then whines and screeches a little in pain.

"Ow." She whines. I walk over to her, pick her up and set her back on the counter. I got the first aid kit that she made me from the cupboard.

"I told you it would hurt. Now hush and let me bandage you up." I say as I get the supplies out of the bag. I start by cleaning her wounds. She had a cut lip, slight bloody nose, along with bruised and bloodied knuckles. Nothing too major. Which is good for her.

"You saw the whole thing?" She asks quietly.

"Yes. I did. And it was the sexiest thing I have ever seen." I told her and she giggled as I continued to help her with her wounds.


When I got done, Y/n jumped in my arms and wrapped herself around me (Koala style) then I carried her out to my bed. We both fell onto the bed. She snuggled into me and was just about to fall asleep so I decided to help her a bit.

"I love you so much, princess." I whisper to her. She smiles and snuggles in a bit more. When she's asleep fully, I fall asleep as well.

A/n: It didn't really go as well as I thought it would but I hope you liked it. I am still open for requests so just comment your request or if you want them to be private then personally message me. Keep voting and commenting your opinions, I love resin them. Thanks. Until next time. Bye.

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