Another Rant

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Hello. Sorry for another rant but I don't really have someone to talk to or a therapist because I have not money so I go to my writing. If you don't want you read it, you don't have to, or you can, I really don't care but I have to get some questions out of my head before I go crazy. Again, like the last one, you don't have to answer all of the questions or any of them but I would really love it if you did answer them i the comment.

Does anyone else feel like they are just too emotional? 

When I was younger I was told that I was too sensitive and now that I am older I see that. I am still sensitive but I can hide it to a certain extent. Is anyone else like that? 

Does anyone else think about people around them and everyone else and helping them before helping themselves? 

Did anyone else make themselves depressed or give themselves anxiety if that makes sense? 

Does anyone else degrade themselves on a daily basis or is that just me?

 I may not have a bad home life or a bad upbringing or a bad life but I admit that I gave myself issue and a tiny bit of trauma. 

If you want to comment a problem that you gave yourself feel free too. 

I am also open for requests still, so don't be shy and comment a request if you have one. 

Thanks for listening to my worthless issues that are probably stupid and dumb but I am a ranter so, thanks for reading. A new oneshot will hopefully be up later on today or tomorrow, or with in the next few days. 

Thanks. Bye!!!!

Mattheo Riddle OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now