Nightmare Panic(FLUFFY FLUFF)

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A/n: Y/n had a terrible nightmare where Mattheo dies protecting her. She blames herself. But when she sneaks into Mattheo's room, wakes him up, and tells him what happened, he helps her. Enjoy this fluffy one.

Warning: Harsh words, degrading, injury, torture, death, self blame.

Italics is the dream

Y/n POV 

Nightmare Starts

I sat under a tree that sat by a crystal blue lake. It was where Theo took me to have a picnic date and it became 'our spot'. Right now I was waiting for Theo because he told me to meet him here.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my son's slut." I hear that snake's voice say. It makes my skin crawl as I turn around and see Mattheo's terrible father.

"I'm not a slut! Where is Mattheo?!" I yell harshly at him. He just chuckles at my words and twists his wand in between his fingers.

"You stupid girl. He didn't send you that message. That was me. I know how my son feels about you. So I'm gonna use it to my advantage." He tells me.

"I'm not doing anything you say. Theo won't let you hurt me." I say to the bastard. He just laughed and pointed his wand at me.

"Crucio." He whispered and a surge of pain hit my body. I blood curdling scream left my throat. The pain that spread through me was so much to take but I knew I had to take it to see Theo again.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!" The scream I let out I'm sure could have been heard from miles away. Thankfully the pain stopped suddenly as I heard someone yell.

"STUPIFY!" The voice yelled. I opened my eyes only to see Mattheo running over to me, picking me up and holding me.

"Oh, Theo. Thank you." I breath out a sob after saying that and collapsing into his arms.

"Now son, step away from the girl or both of you will die." The dark lord says as Theo moves me behind him.

"No, father! I won't let you kill her! If you kill me then so be it! I will protect her with my life!" Theo yells at his father.

"Theo be careful." I whisper to him. He turns to me to say something.

"It's ok, darling. I love you." He whispers to me before he kisses my forehead.

"I love you to-" I was cut off by a voice yelling.

"Avada Kedavra!" The dark lord yelled. Then a flash of green light hit Theo. He looked at me as the life drained from his body. His body fell to the ground. I looked only to see the dark lord gone. I fell down to Theo's body.

"NOOOOO! THEO!!!! Please don't leave me!" I cried out as I clutched onto his dead body. It's my fault. IT'S ALL MY FAULT!!!!

End of dream

I woke up drenched in sweat. My breathing was heavy as I stumbled out of bed and made my way over to Mattheo's room. I have to see that he is still alive.


I went into his room and saw him sleeping so soundly. I walked over to him and stroked his hair. I heard him stir and his eyes opened slightly.

"Hey princess, what's wrong? Why are you up in the middle of the night?" He asked me with his sleepy/morning voice. (Just imagine. AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!)

"I just had to make sure you were awake. I had a nightmare where you died. And it was all my fault!" After I was done speaking, my voice broke into a sob. He quickly sat up, pulled me into his lap, and held me close.

"No, no, no, sweetheart. I'm sure it wasn't your fault. In fact I know it wasn't your fault, because I just saw a glimpse of your dream and it is not your fault, my baby." He whispers into my ear before he kisses my neck, lays us down and strokes my back to sooth me.

"How are you so wonderful?" I ask him with a slight whimper in my voice.

"I'm not wonderful. You make me brave, true, my best self. All because you love me. I love you so much, Y/n." He tells me as I snuggle into him more.

"I love you too, Theo." I whisper to him before we both fall asleep.


Pansy POV

I walked into Mattheo's dorm with Draco only to see Mattheo and Y/n curled up together. I took a picture and smirked at Draco.

"I'm gonna use this on her one day." I tell him with a little evil laugh.

"I helped you get in here to find her. I'm getting in on it when you use it. But I'll use it on Riddle." Draco says before they both laugh and leave the room.

A/n: Just comfort writing. Which I needed. I forgot how annoying school is. Different ending too. Hope you enjoyed this update. Thanks for reading. Bye now.

Mattheo Riddle OneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora