After All This Time, Truth Revealed(Part Three)(Request)

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A/n: Y/n finds out that her daughter Sky is pregnant with James' child at seventeen years old, two months away from graduating. So, Sky confides in Y/n about whether to tell him or not and how to tell him about the baby.

Warning: Very very light smut at the end and possibly a swear word of two.

Requested By: @Foxxy2021


I sat down at my kitchen table looking through Theo's paperwork that he was behind on. He asked me to do them because he had to do a big job and I don't mind helping now and then.


I was still working when an urgent message came in the post. I opened the urgent letter and read it.


I am freaking out. Me and James are doing good but lately I've been getting sick. So, I went to the hospital wing and found out some news that you may be mad at me for. Come to Hogwarts and help me. PLEASE!!!!

From, Sky

I gasped and had an Idea so I took my flew pounder and went through my fireplace that leads to the headmaster's office.

When I got there, Mcgonagall gasped and looked at me in surprise.

"Y/n L/n! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" She squeals and yells. I cleaned myself off and walked into the office more.

"Good to see you too, Mcgonagall. But it's not L/n anymore. It's Riddle but I don't really care." I say and laugh a little as she smiles at me.

"Well then. Since you're an adult, you can call me Minerva if you wish. But, now, I assume you are here for a reason. To what do I owe this pleasure and surprise visit?" She asks kind of sternly. I sit down in front of her desk and she sits down in her chair.

"Well, Minerva. I got an urgent letter from sky saying that she needed help immediately. She said she went to the hospital wing so I was hoping that you would allow me to talk to her for a little bit and get this predicament solved. So, would you allow it?" I ask with hope. Mcgonagall and I were on good terms in school so I was hoping that would mean something. She sighs and looks at a paper on her desk.

"Well, she's either in a free period right now or has either potions or herbology. But she does have O's and E's in all of her subjects so I could let it pass. Do you know what the problem is?" Minerva asks. I shake my head. She sighs again but then stands up and nods at me. I get up and we walk to the hospital wing.


When we walk into the hospital wing, I see Madam Pomfree or Poppy talking to Sky as she sits on a bed. I walk over and stand behind Poppy.

"Poppy. Could you give these two a moment, please?" Minerva asks. Poppy turns around quickly and sees us. She nods and goes away with Minerva to the other side where her office is. I sit by Sky and take her hand in mine.

"Ok, Sky. What is wrong? What is your scary problem?" I ask her and she looks up a little but still not at me.

"Don't freak out. But,....I'm pregnant." She mumbles but I still hear it. I sigh and silently chuckle.

"Ok. Sky, look at me." I say in a calm voice because I'm not really mad. Honestly I was kind of expecting this because she is my daughter and if I were her age and James was my boyfriend then, well, you can guess. I have my Mattheo and he is still the hottest guy on earth in my opinion and the love of my life. But if I were Sky's age then I can see why she is dating James.

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