Our Secret(Mattheo x Gryffindor!Muggle!Reader)

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A/n: They are in their sixth year of Hogwarts. Y/n is a muggle born gryffindor who falls in love with Mattheo Riddle. And he just so happens to fall in love with her as well. But can they keep their relationship secret for long? Can they keep it secret from his father who despises muggles and gryffindors?

Warning: Fight/violence

Requested By: mint_fountain


I am dating the love of my life, but no one knows except for me and him. Because we are rivals according to everyone else, we can't be seen in public.

Anyway, that's where I am heading now, to our secret room in the library. I sat in there looking at the fireplace that was in there. I heard the door open. Within a few seconds, I felt two arms wrap around my waist. I smiled as I felt a kiss be pressed to my neck. He went down to my collar bone and then up to my jaw. When he stopped, he came around and sat beside me. He turned me to face him and kissed me. I kissed back and smiled into the kiss. When we pulled away he smiled at me.

"Merlin, I've missed you, Y/n," he says out of breath. I giggled at him and hugged him.

"I've missed you too, Theo." I mumble into his chest. He pulled me tighter and leaned back into the couch. We cuddled and sat there watching the fire burn.


After about an hour, I started to get up but he pulled me back down.

"Theo, we have to go. People will get suspicious." I say as I shift to look him in the face.

"Why can't we tell people. I love you and I want people to know that you're mine." he says with a pout.

"I know. I just don't want your father to kill you for being with me." I say in a small voice.

"You let me worry about that. But for now, you are right. We should get to supper." He said. I got up and we went out separately.


I walked into the great hall and sat down by Ginny and Hermione. They looked at me with suspicion.

"Where were you, Y/n? Were you really in the library for the last two hours?" Hermione asks me.

"Yeah, where else would I be?" I question, trying my best to hide the truth.

"Well, we went in there three times and didn't see you anywhere. Where were you?" Ginny asks me, sternly.

"I was in the back studying, just drop it guys!" I say, getting frustrated. So, I stood up and stormed out of the great hall. I walked down the hall. My friends can't trust me. They always question me. I mean, for good reason but can't they trust my judgment? Before I knew it, tears were running down my face. Just then, I hear some slytherins laughing. I look up and see Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Pansy Parkinson, Lorenzo Berkshire, Theordore Nott, and the one and only, Mattheo Riddle, my secret boyfriend. When they noticed me they stopped talking. Malfoy got a smirk and looked at the rest, they all smirked as well, well, everyone but Mattheo. When he looked at me I couldn't tell what he was thinking. Then Malfoy walked over to me, followed by Crabbe and Goyle. Parkinson clung to Mattheo's arm but thankfully he shoved her off and backed up.

"Aw, is the poor little mudblood gryffindor sad? What? Did Pottah not let you into their group?" Malfoy tried to taunt me. It was pathetic but I let a few more tears slip down my face. I tried to slip past them but Crabbe and Goyle held me against the wall. I winced at the impact. Their grip was strong on my upper arms, it stung quite a bit. Malfoy stepped closer and traced his pale skinned finger down from my temple, across my jaw, and to my chin. I looked away and turned my head. He just turned it back. He leaned in and was about to harass me. I closed my eyes, waiting for the terror, but it never came. Instead, I heard a grunt of pain. I opened my eyes to see Mattheo beating up Malfoy.

"NEVER TOUCH HER AGAIN! IF YOU DO I WILL KILL YOU!" Theo screams as he punches Malfoy in the face, jaw, neck, collar bone and both shoulders. When he was done, he looked at me and both guys let go of me, they ran off with the rest of the groups besides Mattheo. Instead, he came over to me as I sank down to the ground. He caught me in his arms and held me as I cried.

When I was done, I looked up and saw that the entire school, well, half the school was halfway, watching us. I nudged Theo. He looked, glared at them, then he picked me up and brought me to his dorm, which was a private dorm because of his father. He set me on his bed and sat in front of me.

"Can I see the bruises?" He asked softly, I nodded. He carefully took off my shirt, looking at the bruises on my upper arms. They were faint but still there. Theo got up and went to get some ointment. He sat back down and carefully applied the ointment to my arms. When he was done, he got one of his shirts and some crackers and gave that to me.

"You're staying here tonight and the rest of the weekend." He says in his soft voice that he only uses it with me. I smile and eat some crackers. He kisses my forehead and sits behind me. His hands rest on my hips and he dips his head and places a few kisses on my neck. I smile, knowing he is here for me. He loves physical contact, that's his love language. I turned around and kissed him.


The next day, Me and Theo finally decided to leave his dorm at noon. He linked his hand with mine. I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let me.

"I don't care what people say. I will deal with my father myself. I love you and I want people to know." He whispers in my ear. A huge smile came to my face as we walked down to the great hall. I looked and saw that Hermione and Ginny had some cocky grins on their faces and then I saw the others. Harry and Ron. Their faces were angry, confused and betrayed. I am not really friends with them so I could care less. Theo tried to drag me to the Slytherin table but I pulled him to the Gryffindor table. He sat down and pulled me into his lap as I gasped and giggled a little.

"So, anything new, Y/n?" Hermione asks, smugly.

"Girls, meet my boyfriend, Mattheo. And yes he is the reason I have gone MIA several times this past year." I tell them. They high five and I laugh at them. Theo plants a kiss on my neck, then my jaw, then my cheek, and finally, he turns my head and kisses my lips.

"I love you, Y/n." He whispers to me.

"I love you as well, Theo." I whisper back. 

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The Pictures above are just some cute fluff pictures that I found online.(Ignore the girl's hair color unless you're a blond).

A/n: Here is the next oneshot. I hope it was to your liking and what you requested. Please give me more ideas. O am open to anything, well, almost. Thanks. Happy reading.

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