My Mafia Love(Mafia AU)(Modern AU)

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A/n: Y/n is the daughter of a high up Mafia member but when he is killed, she is put in the protection of the mafia boss's son. The son is Mattheo. He is forced to protect what he thinks is a 'spoiled brat', only to find out that she is really just a simple girl who happened to be the daughter of a mafia employee. But then feelings are shown.

Warnings: Gunshots, yelling, mafia setting

FYI: This may be a bit rocky. I don't have much experience with mafia writing. This was just a cool idea. So, sorry if there is some incorrect information or some strange settings.


I was sitting in the library of our half mansion house. I was curled up by the fire when my older brother came in. He tapped my shoulder but the moment I saw him, I knew what happened. My father died. I just had a feeling that it would happen. I got up and rugged Jack, my older brother. When we pulled away, just as two men entered the library. I turn around only to find a very attractive man standing next to what looks like an older version of him.

"Can I help you?" I ask, wiping away my small tears.

"No. But I can help you. Your father was a valuable employee of mine and I am going to return a favor, by protecting the little princess, Y/n." Mr. Tom Riddle says to me. I smile at him.

"Ok. Will there be a guard or someone?" I asked, unsure. He nods.

"Yes. My son, Mattheo will be protecting you until we know it is safe for you." He says. I nod. When he leaves, I turn to his son and smile. He just has this stone cold look on his face.

"Hi. My name's Y/n." I said to him. He approaches me and backs me up to a wall.

"I'm Mattheo. I know who you are. I did not choose this so don't expect anything special from me." He orders and I nod, just getting lost in his eyes. He leaned close to my ear. I could feel his breath on my neck. My breath quickened.

"You, princess, are under my protection but I won't give you special treatment, darling." He whispers to me. He plants a small kiss on my neck and then he backs away and walks out of the library leaving me standing there, frozen, shocked, blushing, and speechless.


It's been a week since I was assigned a bodyguard and he is now living in the room next to mine for the time being until all of this blows over. Jack took over where Dad left off in the Mafia business area. While I am here trying to do online college and keep writing my stories even though Jack says they're worthless, mom always said to 'Do what you love and follow your dreams, but make sure they don't involve going against the mafia'. I always laughed when she said that but the first part of it I have taken to be my life motto. So, now I'm just sitting at my desk, typing on my computer for my story.


It was getting close to lunch and I was still writing. It's hard to stop when you're on a roll. So, I was just writing and looking up pictures for inspiration when the door to my room opened. I didn't even look up but then I saw the reflection on my computer.

"Princess. You have to eat. Being in your room all the time is not healthy." Mattheo says to me.

"First of all, don't call me princess, second, I am doing college classes and when I'm not doing school work, I have my own personal things that I do on the computer so if you would please stop interrupting me, that would be great." I say with a sickenly sweet smile. Next thing I know, I am being turned around, picked up and brought to the basement.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? PUT ME DOWN!" I scream at him. He puts me down and looks at the door. He reaches for his gun while still looking at the door. My heart starts to sound inside my chest, and not in a good way. I hear yelling from outside and a few gunshots go off. My breath quickens and Mattheo turns to me.

"Stay behind me and don't move no matter what?" He tells me. I nod just as the door swings open. I try to stay behind him but I get picked up by someone behind me. I scream and Mattheo turns towards me. When he sees this happen, he shoots the guy in the head and I fall towards the ground.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU STAY DOWN AND BEHIND ME! HE COULD'VE KILLED YOU! I CAN'T LOSE YOU, Y/N!" He yells at me. Next thing I know, he is kissing me. I kiss back. When we pull away, he stares at me with an unknown emotion that I've never seen in him before.

"You can't lose me?" I asked him.

"Of course I can't. I love you." Mattheo says to me and a huge smile comes to my face.

"I love you too, Mattheo." I responded.

A/n: This was really rushed and not some of my greatest work. But I hope it's ok. Thanks for reading.

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