Insults To Comfort To Love(Request)(Enemies to Lovers)

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A/n: "Can you do one where y/n and him are enemies and he goes to make fun of her but finds her crying. And he comforts her" I can certainly try. Hope you like it.

Request: @mesarcasticnvr


He's a bastard. Always tripping me, saying insults, calling me a waste of space and other horrible things like that. I would be walking down the hall and he would just push me for no reason. Another bad thing is that I like him. But he hates me. I hate that I like him.

"Y/N! ARE YOU LISTENING?!!!!" I hear someone yell. I'm snapped out of my trance and see Layla trying to get my attention.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I just blanked out." I say honestly.

"I could tell. What were you thinking about?" She asks me. I give her a look basically saying 'you of all people should know.'

"Really? Can't you guess?" I ask her in an obvious tone.

"Of course. He's such a bastard. Why do you let him torture you?" she asked me. I shrug.

"Because I'm too weak." And after I said that, I got up and walked out of the library.


I was so absorbed in my thoughts, I didn't hear slughorn enter the classroom.

"Alright everyone. New potion. Can someone tell me what it's called? You can come look at it, smell it, anything. I just need a name." After he is done talking, no one says anything.

"Ok. Then I will pick someone. How about...Miss L/n? Would you come up and tell me what this potion is please?" He asks, well, tells me.

"Ok" I mumble, then step forward towards the potions on the table. It's a love potion.

"Well, what is it?" He asked me. I take a deep breath and stare at the potion.

"This potion is amortentia. More commonly known as a love potion. It is rumored to smell different to every person. Whatever the person smells corresponds with what or who they are attracted to, sir." I finish speaking and turn to see that Slughorn has a small smile on his face.

"Very good Miss L/n. Would you care to demonstrate what you smell? As an example to the class?" He asked me. I take in a shuddering breath and nod. As I lean forward I know exactly who I smell.

"Um, I smell...vanilla cologne, cigarette smoke, and...a hint of alcohol. That's all." I finish off my sentence and go back to the group.

"Wonderful. Now Amortentia can only create an infatuation or love cover. Nothing can create real love. But that doesn't mean that..." I tuned out the professor and focus on what I smelled. I know it was Mattheo Riddle. Everyone probably did. Then I overheard snickering to my left.

"She actually is attracted to me. To think I would ever date her. We both hate each other. It's pathetic." I hear Mattheo snicker those words to his friends. Tears cloud my eyes as I turn to look at him. We made eye contact and I could swear that I saw a hint of sympathy in his eyes but I ignored him and ran out of the classroom, ignoring the yelling and ran down the hall.


I took so many turns, I can't tell where I am in the dungeons anymore. So I just let the tears consume me as I sink to the floor, curl in a ball, and break down.

Mattheo POV

I ran out of the classroom immediately after Y/n ran out. I only insult her because I know she will reject me. Everyone does. But never mind that. I have to find Y/n and tell her how I feel before she does something bad.


After, I don't know how long of searching, I finally heard something. I heard quiet, muffled sobs coming from around the corner. I ran up and saw Y/n curled up in a ball, crying. So I crouch down in front of her and put my hand on her arm. She jumps and looks at me with shock.


I was still sobbing when I felt a hand on my arm. I jump and see the eyes of Mattheo Riddle. I sit there in shock as he sits in front of me.

"Y/n. I know that you must hate me but let me help you. Breathe with me ok?" He asks as he starts a breathing pattern.


It took a bit for me to match his breaths but I did eventually. I exhale and he smiles.

"Good. That's it. Breath. Now, please believe me when I tell you, I like you." He tells me. I roll my eyes and laugh slightly.

"Yeah right. I do actually like you, but you hate me." I say as I stare at the floor.

"No I don't hate you, Y/n. I like you. No, I love you. So much. What can I do to prove it to you?" He says before he picks me up and puts me in his lap sideways.

"Kiss me." Was all I said before he moved forward and kissed me. I give in and kiss back. All I feel is the passion and love that he put into the kiss. He stands up and I move my legs to wrap around his waist. He pulls away from me.

"Now, let's go cuddle and I can continue to prove how much I love you." He says to me with a smirk. I chuckle a little bit.

"Ok. I love you too, Theo." I tell him as he brings me to his dorm.

A/n: Here's another one. I'm on a roll today. Hope this is what you were thinking or hope this is good enough. I know it's kinda short, sorry. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. 

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