Cuddles Soothe Cramps

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A/n: Y/n has bad cramps so Mattheo comes to the rescue.


I lay in my bed holding my stomach. My cramps never get this bad.


I must've fallen asleep because I was awoken by a knock. I sat up slightly.

"Come in!" I tried to yell. Hopefully they heard. The door opened to reveal Mattheo holding a basket of my favorite snacks, drinks, and movies, as well as a heating and cold pack. 

I laugh slightly as I see him set the basket down and lock the door. I'm lucky I got a private dorm.

"What's all this?" I ask, chuckling slightly.

"I know you started your period so I got all of the necessities." he says as he lays out everything. He puts in my favorite movie, gives me my favorite snack and drink. 

I smile as he lays next to me, with my back against his chest and both of us laying on our sides. 

His hand slides under my shirt and to my stomach, slowly massaging it, the way he knows it helps. 

He kisses my neck then snuggles into me. He is such a bad boy outside of these walls but when it's just me and him, he's my little puppy.

"I love you, Theo." I said to him.

"I love you also, my princess Y/n." He mumbles against my skin.

Soon we both fell asleep with the movie still playing. Thank merlin it was Saturday. 

A/n: Just a cute little, very short oneshot to fill in some space. Thanks for reading. 

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