My Rant

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Hello. I dont know who's gonna read this but I just has some questions that were hard to ask to a person or in person. Sorry if I'm not making much sense. I'm kinda on the verge of a mental breakdown, shuts down, and just banging my head against a wall physically.

I know I haven't posted in a few days but I slowly working.

So, my questions. Who is single? I know its personal but I was just curious. And if you are single, do you want a real life boyfriend or would you rather just have a fiction boyfriend?

Ok, next question. Does anyone have those feelings that you can't put it into words, they're just...there and in your head and they bug you but they wont go away? Does anyone else feel like they are gonna be alone in their best friend does something that they dont like or something that might change them? Like joining a different sport or club that you arent a part of or dont like? That could be just me.

Does anyone else know or feel clingy to their friends of partners?

Does anyone else bottle up your emotions until they just get to be too much and you just burst?

Does anyone feel like they should be in therapy but they arent? No? Maybe that's just me.

Does anyone else come to wattpad cuz they are lonely or they just wanna feel a little bit of what it's like to be in a relationship? Maybe that's just me too.

Oh, do any of you have anxiety? Depression? Social anxiety? Are any of you peoples introverts? I know these questions get personal but I just wanna know that I'm not alone in that area. You dont have to answer. But I would like it if you did.

I know this is a weird update and most of you may not read it and that's fine. I just wanna know that I'm not the only person out there that has these feelings.

Comment if you have answers.

Also I am still open for requests. I am again slowly working on more oneshots and I hope you people aren't getting too fed up with me being my difficult self.

Thank you again so much. I have reached 17,000 readers. I know readers isn't that important butit helps me to know people like what I write.


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