Our Family

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A/n: Y/n and Mattheo have supposedly grown apart. But little does she know, he is just working on a surprise. She is also pregnant and their son, Cody notices that they aren't lovey dovey towards each other anymore. So, he makes a plan but it doesn't go as planned. But Mattheo comes and saves the day with the surprise and their daughter says hello to the world.


I layed in bed while Mattheo got ready for work. Lately he hasn't been as close or loving towards me. It could just be me and the fact that I'm not taking the chance to spend time with him but when it's just us, he is always working. And I'm pregnant with our second child while Cody is growing fast. I mean, he's already five years old, she'll be six in a few months. I can't do all the work with Cody and the baby in my stomach. I sigh and get up. I struggle to get up and either Theo doesn't notice or he doesn't care.


I was walking back from the library into the dining room when Mattheo stopped in during lunch. I lean against the wall a bit out of breath and watch as Cody comes running in to give Mattheo a hug. I smile. Mattheo looks at me, gives me a small smile. I nod and Cody comes over to me and takes my hand. Theo leaves for the last half of the day. I walk into the kitchen when Cody taps me.

"Yes, honey?" I ask him.

"Why didn't daddy kiss you goodbye? He used to do that a lot. Why didn't he, momma?" Cody asks me. I sigh, not knowing how to tell my son that my husband may be falling out of love with me. I love Theo with all my heart but it's hard to show that when he is never home or doesn't even bother to try and help.

"Baby, I don't know why daddy doesn't kiss me anymore. I think he may be too busy." I respond to Cody. He bows his head and nods a little. I sigh and make lunch for us. I work part time as a magizoologist. But I haven't worked in a week because I haven't been called into work.


I sat up in bed and felt a small pain in my stomach but I thought nothing of it. I got up and went downstairs to find Cody talking to Theo. He whispered something in his ear right after he saw me walk into the dining room. Theo made eye contact with me and he smiled one of those rare genuine smiles. I smiled back at him with no idea of what he was doing or why he was doing it. Theo walked over to me, put a hand on my cheek and kissed me. I kissed back and melted into it. This is rare. He has only been kissing me on my forehead before I fell asleep. When we pulled away, I chuckled and smiled.

"What was that for, Theo?" I ask.

"Well, for one, I love you and just wanted to show it too. Second, Cody reminds me of how much of a dick I have been the past few weeks. And I will try my best to show my love for you more. Alright?" He asks. I nod and kiss him again. He then leaves for work but not after a third kiss from me.


I was making Cody his afternoon snack when I felt that pain in my stomach again. I felt really dizzy and just fell to the ground. The only thing that I saw before I passed out was Cody putting my head in his lap. I smiled right before my vision went black.


When I woke up, I felt both of my hands being held. My eyes fluttered open and I saw Theo holding one of my hands and Cody holding the other. I smile. Theo notices that I'm awake and kisses me right away. When we pull away, he hugs me.

"I am so sorry. I was preoccupied with work and preparing myself to be the dad of a baby again. It sounds weird and I am so sorry that I haven't been around. I love you so much and I am such an id-" I cut him off with a kiss. When I pulled back, I smiled.

"It's alright. I forgive you." I admit. I put my hands on my stomach only to realize that my baby bump isn't there anymore. My breathing starts to get heavy.

"What's wrong, love?" Theo asks me, but I am trying to calm down.

"My baby bump? Where is the baby?" I frantically respond with questions. He takes both my hands and makes me look at him directly.

"Calm down, Y/n. Our baby's alright. You had to have an emergency sea section but they got her out. She is healthy and perfect." Theo tells me.

"Wait, she? We have a baby girl?" I am unsure of what I heard. Just then, a nurse comes in and hands Theo a bundle. He turns to me and hands me the bundle and it's our daughter.

"Well, now she can see her mommy. She's been waiting." Theo says in a stupid sacastic way.

"Hi baby. My baby girl. Cody, wanna meet your sister?" I ask as I look at Cody and he is right there. When he sees her, he smiles.

"Can I name her?" He asks and Theo laughs.

"I named you so I think your mother wants to name your new sister." Theo says to Cody. He looks at me and smiles. I nod at his statement.

"Alright. Theo, Cody, meet Kyla Riddle." I tell them. We all smile and Theo kisses me again. Cody climbs on the side of the bed and Theo scoots in beside me on the other side. He lifts Cody and puts him on his lap with his left arm around me. I snuggle into his side with my daughter. I have my family back to the way it was. Our happy family.

A/n: It turned out to be longer than I expected but I hope you like it. Don't forget to comment and vote. I am still open for requests so if you have one you can either personally message me or just comment on any of the oneshots I posted. Thanks for reading. 

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