I Will Love You Like You Are My Own(Part One)

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A/n: Y/n has a daughter from a previous relationship. Her daughter's father died in the second war. The father wasn't Y/n's true love so unfortunately her daughter was a surprise baby but that doesn't matter. When her daughter is 6 years old and Y/n is 24 years old. Y/n is working as a secretary to the newly appointed Mr. Riddle. She knew the last name and that you know who had two sons but she didn't know which one would be her boss. One day when she was walking to work, she meets her new boss unexpectedly on the street. How will her daughter react to her mom's new 'friend' maybe lover? Hope you enjoy.


I just got done with work where I was told that I would be getting a new boss sometime in the next few days. That should be interesting. Anyway, I was walking down the street when I suddenly ran into a wall, or what I thought was a wall. I looked up and saw the most handsome man I have ever seen.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." I say fast but before I know it, a hand grabs mine. I look at the guy in front of me.

"It's alright, love. No harm done." He says with a sweet voice.

"I still feel bad. Can I do something to make it up to you?" I ask desperately. I feel so stupid because I did that.

"Well, I'd love to take a gorgeous girl like you on a date. Possibly a coffee date, right now?" He suggests.

"Oh well, maybe but I'd have to go home first then yeah sure." I tell him honestly. He nods and gives me the address to the coffee shop on a piece of paper. I smile at him and then continue walking home.


I opened my door and my daughter immediately came running to me.

"MOMMY!" my daughter Katya. I laugh and pick up my daughter, taking her into a bear hug.

"Hey sweetheart. How was your day?" I ask her chuckling.

"It was good. Ari took me to the park and told me that your job was hard." Katya said quickly. I set her down on the couch and looked at my slightly older sister who works from home.

"Really Arielle? Why do you have to judge my job? I like what I do and yeah it takes me away from Kat but she loves spending time with you. So it's a win win right?" I ask my sister as she laughs slightly and nods.

"I know (n/n) but your job sounds so boring." Ari says and I sigh.

"For you, maybe but not for me. Ari, I need a favor. I met someone and he asked me out for coffee tonight, should you watch Kat for another hour?" I ask my sis with pleading eyes.

"Ugh, guess I can. I'll get her supper and you can go have fun." Ari says to me. I then go to Katya's room to talk to her.

"Hey honey. I need to talk to you. So I know I just got home a little bit ago. But I need to go out of the house again for about an hour. You're gonna stay here with Ari. Ok?" I ask her. She just looks at me, nods happily and continues to play. I kiss her forehead and then make my way out of the house. I wave at Ari and shut the door.


I walked into the coffee shop and looked for the guy that I met. He stood up and waved me over with a smile. I laugh and walk over to sit down by him.

"Well, there she is. The gorgeous girl that ran into me." He says with a chuckle.

"Haha, very funny. I'm Y/n by the way." I told him.

"You have a gorgeous name. My name's Mattheo." He replies.

"Your name sounds familiar. But I can't place it. Oh well, I'm sure it will come to me." I say with a slight laugh.

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