You're My Kind Of Perfect

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A/n: Y/n has never thought good about herself. She is usually invisible to everyone. Barely anyone knows her name and she has had dark thoughts about harming herself. She may think she's completely invisible but one person sees her. Mattheo Riddle sees her. He likes her, no, loves her but can't admit it. She loves him as well but knows that he would never go for her. Or so she thinks. But this story starts off when Y/n is having a lot of dark thoughts. Mattheo saves Y/n but what will come of that?


I was sitting in the library drawing. I draw and write to get my mind to stop thinking about things. Mainly how horrid my life is. No one notices me. I am invisible to practically everyone in Hogwarts. I am so stupid. I am a burden to everyone that even knows me. My friends disagree but the bullies know the truth. People say don't listen to them but it's hard when they are reminding you every hour.

Anyway, I was just trying to draw my crush. Well, the way that I see him. It is from an image in my head that I saw one day in the courtyard. He was sitting against a tree and looking at the sky. Not doing anything, just looking. Oh, how I wish that he would notice me. But, of course, no one notices me. At least not like that. And no one ever will.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a bang in the library. I looked up, seeing several books on the floor and a guy standing by them. I don't want the library to be a mess so I get up and go help, not knowing that I was still holding a sketchbook.

I walk over there, set my sketchbook down, closed thankfully, on a table and pick up some books. I put them back and heard a voice.

"Thanks. I didn't mean to do that." the voice says. I look and see Mattheo Riddle. My crush. My face turns red and I look away.

"No problem," I say softly. I quickly grab my bag and walk away. Hoping he doesn't remember that awkward moment. I make it to my dorm and look for my sketchbook, releasing that I left it in the library, right next to Mattheo. I flop on my bed dreading when I'd see him next.

Mattheo POV

I stood there after she left. My crush. No one knew but I really like her. Maybe even love. She's so sweet, quiet, cute, and innocent in a good way.

I picked the rest of the book and that's when I saw her sketchbook. I opened a random page and saw a drawing of me. 

She is amazing

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She is amazing. I quickly take the book and go to my dorm to look at the rest. Y/n is amazing.


Later on that day, I was walking in the halls when I saw Y/n. She was cornered by a group of students saying things to her. I realized that people tease her.

Not being able to see it anymore, I storm up to them.

"STOP IT! NOW! OR YOU WILL PAY!" I yell. They look at me in fear and run away.


I was cornered by some of my normal bullies when I heard Mattheo's voice yell.

"STOP IT! NOW! OR YOU WILL PAY!" He yells. They look at him in fear and run away. I look up with my tear stained eyes.

"Are you alright?" He asks as he knelt down by me and put a hand on my knee.

I nod and get up quickly. I am not alright. I hate it when people see me cry. It is just another thing to tease me about. Another thing to fix about me. I sat in the corner of the astronomy tower, crying and letting the crisp fall breeze chill my body. I don't know how long I was there before I opened the door. I crept farther into the corner. I look up briefly, only to see him. Mattheo Riddle was staring back at me with a strange look. It wasn't a pity look. It was a look that I have never seen in his eyes. As my tears slowed. He walked over and sat by me.

"What do you want?" I stuttered out. He said nothing. All he did was pull me into him. He put his arms around me and I immediately felt a huge wave of safety wash over me and stay there. It was like he was the one for me.

"I'm sorry that they bully you. I saw your sketch of me. I looked like a totally different guy. I assume it was me through your eyes. And that is the guy I wanna be. I really like you, Y/n." He said as I slowed my tears down. I pulled away from him and looked at the ground.

"No. You don't like me. Even though I am hopelessly in love with you, you can't like me. I am nothing. I am just the stupid, quiet, and horribly innocent hufflepuff everyone makes fun of, there is no way that you would or even could ever like a stupid bit-" I was cut off by Mattheo's lips pressing against mine. I froze at first. But just as he was about to pull away, I kissed back and melted into it. I wrapped my hands around his neck as his hand slid down my waist and pulled me closer to him.

I pull back, reluctantly. Unfortunately, people need to breathe. I look down, blushing like a mad man, only for him to pull my chin up I stare into Mattheo's eyes and he smiles at me.

"I'm in love with you, Y/n." Mattheo said to me. I smile bigger at his words.

"I'm in love with you also, Theo." The words just slipped out of my mouth before I could think. I realize what I said. I quickly look away and back up from him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that. It just slipped out." I stutter out quietly. Mattheo slid closer to me without me knowing. He grabbed my chin and made me look at him.

"It's ok. I like that name. But only when you say it. If anyone else says it I'll hex them." He says in an adorable way. I giggle and get up the courage to kiss him. So I do. I press my lips to his and he returns it.

A/n: I hope you liked this one. I know I ask this every oneshot but if you have any requests, please comment. Or just comment on things you liked or that I could improve on. Please, I would greatly appreciate feedback. Thanks for reading. Bye until next time. 

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