Everything In Color(Soulmate AU)

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A/n: Your world is black and white until you meet your soulmate. Y/n has seen in black and white her whole life. Until she meets Mattheo in her fifth year at Hogwarts. But how will people take it, the shy quiet girl that rarely speaks out of tongue is the soulmate to you-know-who's son?! A shock indeed. Or is it?


I am not that outgoing. Or so people think. I just choose to stay quiet. Being quiet and invisible means that you can hear anything. Rumors, secrets, insults, confessions, anything really. And I have heard it all. Including the main thing I listen for. That everyone that I know of has found their soulmate. I believe that I am the only person in Hogwarts, no, in the whole UK that has not found their soulmate. Yep, so, that's me. The girl with no soulmate, yet, I hope.

I was drawn out of my thoughts when a person entered the library. I looked up and saw a friend of mine, and her two, annoying friends that I put up with. Their names are Hermione, Ron, and the most annoying, Harry Potter. I know, 'The boy who lived' is annoying. Yes, well, in my opinion he is. I'm sorry to others who feel otherwise but that is my view.

Anyway, they walked in and sat by me. I smiled at Hermione and ignored the other two.

"So, what brings you to the library, Hermione?" I ask her, trying to ignore the boys.

"Just looking for another book. Just something interesting. What are you doing?" She asks me as I look down at the soulmate book I was looking at. I sighed and said nothing. "Looking for him again?" She asked, probably already knowing the answer.

"Yeah. I just don't get why I'm the only one that hasn't met their soulmate yet? People always ask, 'who's your soulmate?' or 'where's your soulmate?' I just can't take it anymore. You know what, I'm gonna go take a walk. See ya later." I say to her as I stand up and walk out of the library. I need some peace and quiet so I walk up to the astronomy tower. I sit with my legs dangling. All I see is black and white. It still hurts sometimes. As I was thinking, I felt the tears start to stream down my cheeks. 'No one will ever love me. I'm gonna be colorless the rest of my life' were the thoughts that ran through my head. When I looked around, I found myself in the astronomy tower. I sat down and stared out over the pretty view. It would be prettier in color but I can't see color. The tears come down even more and I can't stop them.


"Are you good?" I hear a voice ask. I shake my head.

"Please. Just go away. My friends don't see it but I just wanna find them." I choke out.

"Find who?" The voice asks.

"My soulmate. I still don't have them. Everyone that I know has. I feel like I'm gonna be alone for the rest of my life. Like no one is ever gonna love me like that. Like I'm doomed to be all myself until the end of my life. I'm gonna be alone forever." I say in all honesty. After I said that, I finally looked up only to make eye contact with the one and only Mattheo Riddle. Just then, my vision flashed and I saw color. I quickly looked and saw the beautiful red/orange/yellow sunset.

"Well. I guess you won't be alone, darling." Mattheo tells me. I smile and he chuckles. Then before I know it, he's kissing me. I quickly kiss back as he wraps his arms around me.


I sat in between Mattheo's legs in the courtyard. He leaned down and kissed my neck. I giggled and snuggled into him.

"I love you, Theo." I whisper to him. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me to his chest.

"I love you as well, my princess." He whispers in my ear.

A/n: This was rushed but I thought it was ok. Hope you liked it. 

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