You Keep Me Alive

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A/n: This is about a very insecure girl that is placed in slytherin. She is cunning and ambitious but she is also very kind, sweet, and smart. But her own self doubt about her own way of thinking and her supposedly fat body(She is not fat, she is skinny)keeps her from reaching her full potential. But when she meets Mattheo Riddle, her life changes. But the real question is, is it for the better? Or for the worse?

Warnings: Swearing, possible eating disorder, insecurities, there may be more I just don't know at the moment


I lay in bed. I just woke up. My father and or mother are probably gonna storm into my room in about ten minutes and yell at me telling me to 'get your ass out of bed'. So, instead of waiting, I just got out of bed, got dressed, did my morning routine, and made sure I had everything ready to go to Hogwarts.

I walk downstairs and see my dad drinking coffee and my mom reading a magazine. I get some toast and eat.

"Ok, mom, dad, I'll write to you. I'm gonna miss you both," I say. I walk over and lightly hug my father and mother.

"Have fun, sweetie," my mom says.

"Get good grades," is all my father says.

"Yes, father. I will mother," I respond to them both.

After that, I go to the car, load my things and tell the driver where to go. We get to the station and I go to the platform. I get on the train with my things and find an empty compartment. I put my earbuds in and play my paramore playlist. I open my sketchbook and start to draw.

About five minutes later, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look up to see a blonde haired girl standing there with a friendly smile on her face.

"Do you mind if I sit with you?" she asked. I smiled.

"No, not at all. Take a seat," I say. She smiles and sits across from me.

"I'm Luna Lovegood," she says with a kind smile.

"Y/n, Y/n L/n," I responded to her with a small smile. We shake hands, I put my stuff back in my bag and then we sit in silence until the train starts to move.

After about five minutes of the train moving, she smiles.

"So, Y/n, I don't mean to be rude but judging by your clothing, you are either a slytherin or you just really like snakes?" She asks. I chuckle and look at my snake ring that can move and is alive but turns into a solid when it is done moving bracelet and bag.

"Yeah, I am in Slytherin, but I also like snakes. Well, some only some breeds. I also love magical creatures. Like dragons, they're my favorite," I say with happiness.

"Well, that is interesting. Tell me more about you. I only know your name and the fact that you're a Slytherin, so tell me more," she says.

I take a deep breath and look at the ground. Let it out and look back up at her.

"Oh, well, where do I start? Um, I've been here at Hogwarts ever since I was eleven. So, a regular first year. I'm not that good looking. My home life sucks-" I say then she cuts me off which I don't mind.

"How so?" she asks. Oh god, dread going into this.

"Well, my parents aren't the best. My mother I think cares but when my father takes control, she doesn't. And anything that I want to say or tell my friends I can't because if it gets out I will most likely be killed by my own parents," Oh, crap, I shouldn't have said that.

"I shouldn't have said that," I said.

"It's alright. You can tell me anything. Even though I've only known you for ten minutes, but it's up to you. I'll keep your secrets," Luna says.

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