First Words(Soulmate AU)

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A/n: When you are born, you are born with a phrase on the inside of your left wrist. This phrase are the first words that your soulmate will ever speak to you.

y/h: your house


I woke up on my birthday, my sixteenth birthday to be exact. I got up and got dressed. When that was done, I met Kyla in the common room and we walked to the great hall. When we get to the (y/h) table, I sit beside her. I glance at my left wrist and sigh. I take some breakfast food and start to eat. When I get done, I absentmindedly trace the words on my left wrist. Kyla looks over at me. I don't look at her. Her words are gold. She already met her soulmate, when she was ten, before she even came to Hogwarts. But me, I have yet to meet them. When I was bored of eating, I traced the words on my wrist.

"Hey there love- wait, are you ok? Darling, are you ok?"

That is what the writing said. I traced over those words so many times. There was only one guy I could imagine saying that but no way he could be my soulmate. And even if he was I would die because he would reject me before I could even get a word in. Being done with my food, I got up and went to the courtyard to relax. Seeing as it was a saturday and I had a lot of free time. I kept thinking and thinking of how this guy would react to me being his soulmate. I'm a clingy person. Any guy would reject me. No questions asked. I am probably going to be alone for the rest of my life. No matter what my friends say, there is no way that my soulmate would accept me. After thinking all of these thoughts, I didn't even realize that tears were running down my face. I quickly packed my things and walked swiftly out of the library.

Mattheo POV

I was just walking down the hallway when I got that thought about my soulmate again. I looked down and saw the words that she would speak.

"Please, just leave me alone. I deserve it."

Every time I read those words, my heart breaks a little more. It's like I can hear the heartbreak in her voice as I read those words. As I was walking, I heard some sniffling around the corner. I walk slowly and when I turn the corner, I see a girl curled up in a ball. Without thinking, I walk up to her and talk to her.

"Hey there love- wait, are you ok? Darling, are you ok?" I ask in a soft voice.


I just sat in an abandoned hallway, curled up in a ball, crying. Just then I heard footsteps coming towards me.

"Hey there love- wait, are you good? Darling, are you ok?" were the words that I heard. Without even thinking I responded.

"Please, just leave me alone. I deserve it." But then I processed the words. I whipped my head to look up only to be staring into the brown eyes of Mattheo Riddle. Who is apparently my soulmate. No way. He can't be. Ok, gotta mentally prepare for the rejection. Here goes nothing.

"Are you alright?" he asks.

"Yep. I'm fine. You can leave now." I say as I look away and stare at my hands. Just then I see two hands take mine. I look up and make eye contact with Mattheo.

"Now why would I do that when I just found my soulmate? I think she needs some cheering up." He says to me right before he picks me up and brings me to his dorm.


"Why are you wasting your time on me? I'm nothing. Why would you want me?" I asked him when we entered his dorm and he set me on the bed after carrying me the entire way there. Why? I still don't know.

"Why wouldn't I want you? To be honest I have had a crush on you ever since third year(Btw, they are in sixth year) and when I saw that you were my soulmate, I now never wanna be away from you.(Aww. Simp Mattheo)" He tells me. I stare into his eyes as he hovers over me.

"How did I get so lucky?" I whisper as Mattheo lowers himself down slowly and our lips connect. We kiss for a bit before we break apart and Mattheo falls to the side. His arms wrap around me and a sense of safety floods through me. He places a few kisses on my neck before holding me a bit tighter.

"The real question is, how did I get so lucky to get you as my soulmate? I love you, Y/n. My princess. " Mattheo whispers to me. I turn around in his arms, lay my head on his chest, and smile into his chest.

"I love you too, Theo. My pretty boy. " I whisper back as my eyes slowly close and I fall asleep to the sound of Theo's breathing. I finally am content with my life.

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A/n: This was just to get me out of my writer's block, or to help. It did. I'm getting back to normal finally. Hope you liked this one. More oneshots coming really soon. Bye until next time, people. 

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