Stay Alive For Me(Request)

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A/n: Y/n is depressed and wants to die. So she almost kills herself when Mattheo stops her and comforts her.

Warning: Attempt At Sucide. Harsh Words. A Break down

Requested By: @twisharaval


I sat in a corner of the astronomy tower, my legs pulled up to my chest and stared at the grounds. The thoughts of things that I've heard come rushing back.

'You're A BURDEN!'

'You're worthless'

'Why do you try?'

'Just Go Off Yourself Already!'

And those are just a few of the sayings I hear daily. I usually just brush them off but hey all just came crashing down on me today. I just feel like jumping off the tower and taking my terrible self with me. If I do then people will get their wish.

Well, might as well jump. I mean, there's no one left that cares. Family gone. Friends are nonexistent, and the chance of a boyfriend is 0% so that's wonderful. So, I took a deep breath and stood up on the edge of the tower.

"You all get your wish. To the world that thinks I'm worthless. You're right. And you'll never see me again after this. Goodbye." I finish as I take a step off. But instead of feeling free and falling, I am stuck in mid air. I look back in the tower to see Mattheo Riddle holding his wand out and stopping me from falling. I am then lifted back into the tower and I collapse onto the floor. I glare up at Mattheo.

"Are you crazy?! Why did you do that?!" He yelled at me.

"You do realize that I wanted to jump! RIGHT?!" I yell right back. I slowly get up and glare at him a little less as my thoughts from before.

"What would have happened to make you do this to yourself?" Mattheo asks in a soft voice. I can't help but break down in tears. I sink to the floor. I start to sob. Just then I feel two arms wrap around me. To be honest I've always had a crush on Mattheo but I just thought that he thought the same as everyone else so I never talked to him.

"Sh sh sh. It's ok. I'm gonna help you, Y/n. I promise. I will help you. I love you too much to let you die." He finished his sentence and 

"I have nothing to live for. No one. No one to stay alive for. There's no point." I choke out as he holds me.

"Then, stay alive...for me. Please, stay alive for me, Y/n. Can you do that?" He asked in a whisper. I nod against his chest. and then I slowly stopped crying. I looked up at him and smiled.

"I love you too, Mattheo." I admit. He smiles and brings me closer to him.


It's been about a month since I tried to, well, kill myself. Every time now that I am feeling down, Mattheo takes me in his arms, kisses me and tells me anything and everything he loves about me. The bullying has stopped and I am kind of respected.

Life's good now. And I owe it all to Mattheo Riddle. The love of my life.

A/n: It is really rushed but wanted to get it done to post something. Face reveal is either next or after the next update. Thanks. Bye.

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