I Don't Want You To See Me Cry(Request)

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A/n: Theo starts crying in his room because of his father. Y/n walks in. He doesn't hear at first but when he sees her, he tries to hide. She comforts him and they have a night of love and cuddles.

Requested By: @Quinn123456789pp


I was gonna go get Theo for a night of movies and cuddles but when I got to his door, I heard crying from inside so I stopped to listen.

Mattheo POV

I hate my father. He doesn't care about me. I shouldn't be surprised anymore. But it still hurts. I rarely cry but when I do, it's because I'm hurt. Y/n and I have a date tonight so I have to stop crying.


I hear the sobs stop. I knock on the door. When it opens, I see Mattheo standing there but his eyes are red and puffy. I walk in, close the door, and bring him to the bed.

"Was it your dad again?" I ask in a soft voice. He nods as tears cloud his eyes again. I lay down and motion for him to lay on me. He puts his head on my chest. I run my fingers through his hair as he cries into me.

"He never stops. It's always my fault. He blames me and sees me as a burden." He says to me, a few tears go down my face because I can't do anything for him.


"Hey baby?" I ask him.

"Yeah?" He looks at me as the tears start to stop.

"Would you like to come stay with me and my family? My parents don't care about your father. They love you. They would let you stay for all eternity. So do you want to?" I ask him with an unsure voice. His eyes light up at my suggestion.

"YES! YES OF COURSE! I would love nothing more than to go with you, my baby girl." He says before he kisses me. I smile and kiss him back.

"I'd do anything for you, Theo. I love you." I told him.

"I love you too, baby." He says to me as we cuddle the rest of the night.


Mattheo and I walked into my house.

"MOM! DAD! WE'RE BACK FROM SCHOOL! AND I BROUGHT SOMEONE!" I yell into the house. I see Mom and Dad come running into the living room.

"SWEETIE! You're home. I see your brother stopped giving you trouble." Mom comments as my brother Liam walks up the stairs.

"Yeah. After dad scolded him he stopped. On another note, Theo is gonna stay with us for a whale. Some family troubles." I vaguely explained to my Mom. She smiles and hugs Theo. Dad steps in and gives a small smile as well.

"Great to have you here son." Dad says to me before he puts a hand on Theo's shoulder. He smiles at Theo then walks away.

"Y/n go show Mattheo the guest room that's next to yours. That's the one with the joining door." Mom says the last part under her breath. I laugh and lead Theo upstairs.


Later on that night, I feel the bed dip next to me.

"I can't sleep without you, Y/n. You're my rock, my love, and my entire life." Theo whispers in my ear. I roll over, lay my head on his chest and relax.

"I love you too, Theo. So much. You're my life too. Don't leave me, please." I whisper as my eyes get heavy

"Never." He responds to me. I giggled a little and then we both fell into a peaceful sleep.  

A/n: Another request done!! I know it's short. Sorry about that. I have an observation. I feel like in the last few decades, boys, guys, men have been told to be more masculine and were told things like "Don't cry, be a man," I think that's not right. I also think today's society has made men think that they can't be masculine. I know this contradicts the oneshot but it was just an observation of mine. If you disagree with that then that's fine but if you agree, thank you. I know everyone has their different views and options. If you wanna share them in the comments, feel free. No judgment from me. This is a safe space to share your thoughts, feelings, opinions and more. Please no hate or mean words. If you have constructive criticism then that's good but no hate please. Thanks for reading this. So, until next time, bye lovelies.

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