Will You Change?(Request)

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A/n: "Yes of course we want to see your beautiful face and also I have a request, Matthew and y/n in a toxicnabusive relationship and y/n finds out she's Prego with Matthew child. I appreciate you doing this for me and I want y/n to leave the house but mattheo finds her and taker her back to the house and for the house slythrien thanks I appreciate your help".

Warning: Toxic Partner. Abuse. Drugs. Drinking. Underage Pregnancy. Tough Relationship. Use Of The Imperious Curse.


He's smoking and drinking again. He raised his voice at me again and shoved me. I can usually avoid him or avoid the physical attack moves but that shove knocked me against a wall. It didn't hurt me a lot. It may leave a bruise but nothing more. But it was still the first time and I don't think it will be the last.


I sat there in the bathroom holding the test in my hand. A positive pregnancy test. I'm afraid to tell Mattheo because I don't know what he's gonna say. That's why I am still here. I hear a thud from outside and know that Theo is in the bedroom.

Mattheo POV(before Y/n took the test)

I am drunk and I was smoking because work was such a drag. The smoke was just a small one but then I can't remember even drinking anything. Yesterday I almost hit Y/n. The love of my life. It's like I was seeing myself do the wrong things. Like I was watching my body move but I wasn't moving it. When I looked back at the living room, I saw my uncle Lucious Malfoy. He has always hated Y/n. He pointed his wand at my body and muttered 'imperio' and my body rushed to the bedroom and saw Y/n sitting on the bed.

"Hey, baby. Are you alright? Did I do something?" Y/n asks.

"No. I just need to let off some steam from work." 'I' respond but it's not really me. It's Lucious taking control of me. I watched as my body walked over and slapped Y/n. Then he pushed her onto the bed, kissed her and walked out.

Y/n POV(back in the bathroom)

I still felt the sting from the slap a bit as I looked at the test. What if he kicks me out of the house? What if he tells me that he wants me dead?


I took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom and downstairs. I see Theo drinking again with a cigarette in his hand.

"Theo?" I ask in a soft voice.

"What do you want?" He asks with venom in his voice. I sigh. I can't tell him. He's mad and he'll hurt me. I have to leave.

"Um. I have to go visit my sister. Her daughter is sick and I need to go help her." I said to him.

"Fine. Only for two days though. After that I will come for you to take you back here." He tells me with a gruff voice. I shiver with a slight fear of him. With him drinking I don't know how to react. I grew up in an abusive household. My father was an alcoholic and my mother and I got weekly beatings from him. That was until professor Mcgonagall helped me and gave me a home with her at Hogwarts and at her cottage near Hogwarts. I am so thankful that Minerva helped me.


I packed a bag and went to my sister's house. She let me in and I put my niece, Gabby, on my lap.

"So, what's wrong? You only come here when something is wrong. So, what is it?" Molly, my sister asks me.

"I found out that I am pregnant but Theo wont stop drinking and he. S-l-a-p-p-e-d me." I said and spelled 'slapped' because of Gabby. She is an impressionable 18 month old(one year and sixth months) so I remember to spell certain words that Molly doesn't want her to know.

"Oh wow. Did you tell him that you're pregnant?" She asks.

"No. I'm scared. Can I stay here for a few days?" I ask with a 'please' face.

"Yeah, sure. You can stay in the guest bedroom." Molly tells me. So I take my stuff up to the guest bedroom and lay down to process all of this.


Mattheo POV

I woke up on the couch and I felt that I was free. I was back in my own body, the imperious curse off of me, I was not drunk and I am now going to stop smoking. Yes I know that what I did was wrong and I know that it scared Y/n but I was not in control of that.

Then I remembered that Y/n went to her sister's house yesterday night. I am going to go get her and explain everything.


When I got to her house, I knocked and Y/n answered the door.

"Theo. I'm sorry. I'll come home right away." She said fast and with fear in her eyes.

"No, baby, it's ok. I came here to explain. I was under the imperius source when I hurt you. I was also drunk and high. I am so sorry. I was not in control of my actions and I love you so much. Please don't hate me." I confess as she stands there and listens.


"No, baby, it's ok. I came here to explain. I was under the imperius source when I hurt you. I was also drunk and high. I am so sorry. I was not in control of my actions and I love you so much. Please don't hate me." Theo confessed as I stood there and listened.

"Oh my gosh. That explains so much. I love you, Theo." I admit then I hug him. I take him inside to my guest room after giving my sister the 'it's all good' face. We sat on the bed and I took a deep breath.

"Are you alright?" Theo asks me.

"I have something to tell you. *deep breath* I'm pregnant." I confess. I look at my hands but then Theo takes them and hugs me.

"I love you so much. I am not mad. I am beyond happy." Theo whispers to me. Then we go back to the house and have a much needed cuddle night. 

A/n: This was a request and it was very rushed. I had trouble writing this because it was the first time writing something like this. If you didn't like it please be nice in the comment when telling me or if you saw something I could improve on then tell me in the comment. Excuse the possible grammar or spelling errors. Thank you. I love getting requests and I am still open for requests. Thanks for reading. Bye. 

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