Finally Showing The Truth

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A/n: Y/n was forced to marry Tom Riddle even when she is still in love with his brother, Mattheo. But what people didn't know was that Tom is abusive. Y/n finally stops hiding one morning after a night of beatings.

Also Could Be Called: Forced To Marry The Love Of My Life's Brother

Warning: Abuse, hitting, kicking, punching, toxic forced relationship, swear words, implied r*pe.(Sorry)


Being forced to marry someone is never good. Especially when you are in love with your forced fiance's brother. So basically I was dating Mattheo all throughout our Hogwarts years. We were gonna get married when we graduated but Tom decided that he wanted me so his parents and my parents made a deal. So now I have to marry the love of my life's brother, who is an absolute bastard, might I add. But I have no choice now.


I sat in the prep room getting my hair and makeup done. Pansy stood next to me as my maid of honor with a sympathetic look on her face. The finishing touches were put on my makeup and hair.

"Now time for you to put your dress on, sweetie." My mom tells me with a big smile. I don't respond to her. I just went to put my dress on, which Pansy had to help me with. So we went into the walk-in closet and closed the doors to have privacy.

"I don't know if I can do this Pansy. I hate him. No, I despise Tom with everything in me. Why can't I just run away with Theo?!" I say to her with a slight sob in the end.

"Hey, Y/n. It will be alright. Mattheo is living in the same house as you and Tom after this 'thing' today happens. Mainly because we all know that Tom will wanna stay with his "Mommy" for a while longer. So that means you can see Mattheo, maybe even sneak around a bit. It won't matter. You get what I'm saying?" She asks me. I nod taking in the information she told me.

"Yeah. That could work. Thank you so much, Pansy. But now, I have to go through hell for a little bit." I say with slight sarcasm. Pansy helps me with my dress and we walk out. My mom 'oo's and 'ah's over me and I just give a small smile. Now I gotta go get married to my enemy, also my lover's brother.


It's been two weeks since the wedding and I have to cover my bruises every morning. At night all Tom does is punish me for doing even the littlest things wrong. I have to struggle to not limp or stumble but I know that Theo notices something is not right.

"Y/n, can we talk?" Theo asks me right after Tom walks out of the door.

"Yeah I guess, as long as Tom doesn't see." As I said Tom's name, I started to shake because I remembered last night and what he did to me. Theo must have noticed this because he then took me into his embrace. I relaxed instantly into his arms. He kissed my forehead and I completely forgot about everything. Being in his arms again, it feels like home. Way more than it has these past two weeks.

"Are you gonna be honest with me if I ask?" He asks me before pulling away but still keeping me at an arm's length.

"Of course I'd be honest. But about what?" I asked him even though I already had an idea of what he was gonna ask me. My voice was uncertain and nervous sounding. My eyes darted to the door to make sure Tom wasn't coming.

"About Tom. Does he hurt you? At all? Even if it's with words I don't care how but does he? Tell me please, I need to know, does my bastard brother abuse you?" He asks with a stern but somehow comforting voice. I nod as tears come to my eyes but before I can say anything, Tom bursts through the door, sees Theo holding my arms gently and storms over to us.

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