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"Okay. If you're not going to let me fight, you have to at least let me help you fix all this."

"Yeah, of course. If anyone can figure this all out, it's you."

"And why is that, exactly?"

"Hi- nice to meet you. I'm Lennon Maria Stark. Genius, soon to be billionaire, taken woman and aspiring philanthropist."

"Someone's a bit... pretentious."

"What? No. That's what Bruce said my dad told Steve when they fought that one time."

"Who's Bruce and Steve? Your uncles?"

"I- did you really not have any of us in your world?"

"Can't say that I did, no. You?"

"Sorry. In my world I was essentially the only superhero. Which, I don't mean to assume but I'm guessing they were all-"

"They were," Lennon smiled softly, "I... I might be biased by my dad- easily the greatest superhero in the world. No offense."

"So... you lost him too, huh?"

"Yeah," she sighed, "He was- is my favorite person in the entire world. So I... I get it. That loss that you all feel, losing him... losing my aunt Natasha... you're all really strong."

"Hey, you're strong too."

"Should we form a multiverse support group?" one of the Peter's joked.

"As great as that sounds, we should probably get started. What do we got?"

Peter quickly dumped everything onto the table, the four grabbing their own thing to work on while Ned and MJ tried to help in their own way too.

"So tell me more about your dad."

"Where do I start?" Lennon smiled, "He's my best friend. My only friend for my first few years. Mom too but dad and I- we've always had this bond. Maybe it was the fact that he took me in when bio mom abandoned me."

"She what?"

"Yeah but that's a whole other story. Point is, I love him. I love him so much and I hate talking about him as past tense because that just reminds me that he's gone. Which... by the way, I noticed you did the same with Gwen."

"Yeah," he smiled softly.

"Do you... do you want to talk about her?"

"I was in love with her from the moment I saw her. She was gorgeous and funny and smart and just- perfect. Losing her- I hadn't felt a pain like that since I lost my uncle Ben."

"Right. You did say you lost your uncle Ben too. Did the same thing happen to you other Peter?"

"Yeah," he smiled sadly, "Robbery gone wrong. Did you two ever go through the blaming yourself phase?"

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