Chapter 7

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𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒊𝒕 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒆.

𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 𝐈𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐔𝐋. Like, I know I've been saying that literally this whole time, but it's good. Like, really good.

For the next days after my encounter with Pablo Gavira, I'm stiff, just thinking about it, fighting so hard not to let it spill- trying so hard not to let the words of about what happened slip out of my mouth.

I know it's not true, but with every beat of my heart, the only words I hear are This could be the start of something. This could be the start of something. This could be the start of something.

I have a question weighing on my mind. I have always been opposed to being romantic with men. I have always also had a focus on being rich and successful.

Would I choose marrying a rich and successful footballer who I love, or stay out of romance because I think it's wise? Heart over head? I've always chosen head, but what if, just this once, heart is the smarter of the two?

Wait a minute, slow down, Ember. He hasn't even texted you. You're getting way too ahead of yourself.

A week goes by, and I feel a pit of stress deep within me, because I still haven't gotten a text or call. I have been taking every potential spam call I get, just in hopes it might be his number calling me.

What if he never calls me?

My God, Ember. Sure, he's famous. Sure, he's a good freaking footballer. Sure, he's hot. Sure, he's rich. But none of those are good reasons to let some boy take up your thoughts like this and make you so stressed out! I'm being so stupid and foolish! My God, what am I thinking? My head feels like it's up in the clouds, and me and my big fat heart are left down here on the ground.

Then the day comes, and I'm not even expecting it. My thoughts are far from it. I'm sitting at our kitchen table, studying for a small exam tomorrow, and both my girls are sitting there with me. My phone rings, and I sigh, picking up, wondering who it could be. Probably more spam. "Hello?" I ask tiredly.

"Hello?" a voice says, and my heart jumps. Is this him? It could be... It sounds like it could be him. 

I stand up. "Yes, hello. This is Ember Escarro speaking. Who is this?"

I hear the voice say softly, in kind of an awkward tone, the long awaited words. "Uhh... Gavi. It's me on the phone."

I rush out of the room, and out of the living room, into the hallway, and into the lobby. I'll have to think up of a lie later of who it was that made me rush out so quickly when Charli and Aggie question me. Good thing I'm a good little liar. I step out of the quiet lobby, even, onto the busy, crowded street, where I'll blend in, where no one will care to pick up my conversation. I really want to stay true to my word and make sure no one knows that I'm talking with Gavi. He says, "Hello, are you there?"

I can't help but let out a stupid girlish giggle at this. I hate it when girlish giggles come on me like that. They're so idiotic sounding. "Yeah, yes, I'm here. I was just leaving the room, so no one... uh, you know, knew I was talking to you."

"Wait, no one heard me say my name, right? I wasn't on speaker, right?" his voice sounds alarmed.

"No and no. Don't worry. No one knows."


"So, uh..."

"Right, uh..."

I laugh without helping it. "I've never been good with guys. Unless, I'm like, drunk, for some reason. I... have always kind of avoided men. I guess I wouldn't avoid you, though, because you're you. You know, a famous footballer and all."

"Right, and I've never been good with people in general, women or men," he says, not much expression in his voice. At least he sounds casual.

"So why did you ask me for my number?" I ask, for some reason my heart pounding in my chest for the answer.

"Oh, I don't know. I think you're interesting. Seem different from most people, and that intrigued me, I guess. That's all, though. Plus, maybe, just maybe, because I've been feeling maybe I should have more friends than Pedri and Sergio. Like... you know, girl friends." My heart leaps, before he adds quickly at my silence, "Girl friends with a space in it. I'm not... well. Right. Not interested at this point."

"Right, of course," I say quickly. "Me neither. I just feel as though maybe it'd be... awesome to be friends with, you know, the Gavi."

"You say the Gavi like as if I'm some sort of legendary Pele or something."

I laugh a bit, a bit uncomfortably at his lack of lighthearted tones in his voice. "Maybe not as good as Pele, but I bet you could get up there."

"Don't try to flatter me," he says, and I think I might hear a smile in his voice. Finally.

"So, what do you like to do? Like, I mean, outside of football, obviously."

"Oh, I don't know. I like being in the car. Just driving. I like that. I also love running... But maybe that's obvious, too. Gosh, uh, and I like listening to music quite a lot, too. What about you?"

"I love stretching out and exercising. I also like partying," I laugh a bit at this one. "And I'm studying at college, too. I like watching telly... Uh, I like going for quite walks in quiet places at night," I smile.

"Heh, yeah, I guess that is definitely one thing we have in common, huh? Well, uh, I know this is little kid-ish sounding, but maybe I'm kind of little kid-ish. Wanna be friends?"

I grin. This is so stupid. So dumb. Both of us. We're so stupid and dumb. "Yes, I'd love to be friends."

"Good," he says. "So, what friendly thing do you wanna do?"

"What do you mean?"

"We aren't friends unless we make an effort to hang out, yeah? On Thursday morning I am not busy. Are you?"

"I will make myself not busy," I say right away, not caring what is coming up on that day.

"Are you sure?" he asks, sounding unsure himself.

"Positive. So what're you thinking we do?"

"Oh, boy, I don't know. I don't know if you like shopping. But it might be fun to go to a mall."

"Won't people see it is you?"

"Do you think I don't have a life? I know how to hide myself. Some people would be shocked to realize that Pablo Gavira had held the door for them at the mall that day and what not. Either way, it won't be too hard. Me and Pedri go out basically all the time."

"Well... I love shopping. But do you?"

Finally, there's a small laugh in his voice, as he says, "Sure, it's fine. As long as I get to hang out with you, my new best friend. Anything is fine."

I grin to myself, more pumped than I've ever been before for a Thursday morning.

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