Chapter 43

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𝑺𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖, 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒉, 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒉, 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒉.

𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐖𝐄 𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐆𝐀𝐕𝐈'𝐒 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄, 𝐈 𝐀𝐌 𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐃. His home is jaw-droppingly huge. I can't believe the size of it! I guess I should have expected it, and I did, but not this big. He has a huge deck, fence, and pool, and a small football pitch, and that's only in the backyard. After we go in, I ask Gavi if I can just look around his house while he sleeps, explaining that I'm not tired.

He walks to his bedroom, calling, "Yeah, go straight ahead. Have fun, Ember," he chuckles. Apparently, the concept of me exploring his house is funny to him, but with a house this size? I don't see what is funny with that concept at all. I guess all his friends' houses are this huge, too, though, so I guess he's just used to it.

It only dawns on me now that the boy I love, the one who I can now, finally, call my boyfriend, is literally a millionaire. Thinking about this makes me happy. I also love how he doesn't act like it, though. Talk to him as some random guy on the street, have no idea he's Pablo Gavi, you'd have no idea he's this rich. He doesn't flaunt his riches at all. Just another reason to love him, I guess.

He has a whole huge workout room, and a huge jacuzzi that I long to try out. It has jets, and it looks so calming. There are many empty rooms, and I guess that's because he just didn't know what to use them for. I mean, this is a house with only one person living in it. I'm sure he has a lot of room here. There are three living rooms, four television rooms, two kitchens, and four bathrooms. He has a gaming room. And a small, empty bar in the basement. It looks like he doesn't use the bar very much at all. He has a small gym, and one room that only holds football jerseys and awards and balls on display. There is a little office area room, and I wonder what the heck he does in here. I've never thought of him as a study type of guy. There is an outdoor kitchen/living area. There are huge closets that hold absolutely nothing. There is a beautiful huge room with a fully glass sun roof. I sit here in a calming rocking chair to watch the sunrise.

There is something about this house that isn't right. Something is missing. There is a feeling of emptiness in it. This greatly concerns me. Despite the few empty rooms, it is a grand house, with everything you could ever ask for. I love it. It is literally my dream house. So I don't know why something doesn't feel right about it. Something is off, but I just can't place my finger on what that thing is.

I find it curious that this is the first time, out of all the weeks I've hung out with Pablo, that I've actually been to his house. Why wouldn't he want to bring me to a place like this? I don't think it is entitlement, that he thinks this isn't great at all, or that it isn't worth showing. That doesn't seem like him. So why wouldn't he want to show this off to me?

Maybe that's just it. Maybe his riches make him feel bad. A little ashamed. Maybe he thinks such a huge house will make me feel bad, because I live in a flat. I live in a nice flat, though, and this doesn't make me feel bad at all. In fact, I love this place. I never want to leave this comfortable rocking chair, looking up at the roof at the beautiful sun. In fact, the only thing that would make this moment better was if Pablo were sitting here next to me, his arm around me, quietly talking to me about his cares. I can just imagine him here.

Suddenly, I'm being woken up by gentle taps on my shoulder. I roll over on the lounge chair to see Pablo, standing there, a little smile on his face. That smile of golden. That smile, as gold as the sun shining over us through the roof. "Hey. I made you some tea, a croissant, and some cookies for breakfast. Want to stay here and eat or go someplace else?"

I smile up at him, slipping off the rocking lounge chair. "Bring me to... a dining room. Whichever you want to sit in."

He nods. "I have a kitchen and a dining room I usually use. The others are just... there."

I nod back, allowing him to lead me to the dining room, where two plates of food wait. I slip into the comfortable red dining room chair and start eating. "This is really good. Thanks, Pablo. I didn't know you were the cooking type."

He shrugs, sitting down next to me with his food. "I'm not. I heated this stuff up. Not to shatter your picture, though."

"It's okay. The concept of you being a good cook doesn't quite sit right with me. It doesn't, honestly, make any sense at all." I chuckle.

He nods, saying, "I've never been good at it. But, hey, I heated up store-bought stuff for you, right?" he grins.

I nod, leaning against him, and I say, softly, "Pablo Gavi, I don't know, now that I think about it, if I've even told you this yet, but I think I better ought to. I've told you, but I haven't said it, and I need to. So, Gavi, I love you, too, with all my heart."

He grins at me, muttering, "Forgive me from interrupting you from your breakfast, but I think I better." Suddenly, those soft pink lips are on mine again, and I lean into him, letting myself fall into the need for him that I have longed for weeks and weeks.

And right now, I don't care that I need him. In fact, I might actually be happy about it.

see you later // Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now