Chapter 9

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☆ Noah's POV

I carefully lead Milton through the construction area to the other side where his mother's office is.

“You think this is a great idea, champ?” I ask as we stand behind her office door.

“Yes, mom loves surprises”.

Flowers and chocolate and puppies but not the one other man after that ass of a king she hated.

“Don't be nervous, dad” he smiles at me. “If you want, I'll hold your hand as mom does to mine when we go see the dentist”.

“You don't have to be scared to go to the dentist, champ”.

“Oh I'm not. Mom is the terrified one. So I hold her hand and she feels better”.

Her childhood fear.

I chuckle.

“Let's go then”.

He rattles on the door and I turn it.

“May I come in?” he asks, poking his little face through the door.

“Of course, sweetie. You may...”.

Milton opens the door wider and I step in. Her smile falters but she holds it for our son.

“Did you have fun at the planetarium?” she asks kissing him before ruffling his hair.

“Yes, but next time you have to come with us”.

She smiles.

“I'm almost done with my work here so next time, it'll just be the two of us back home... like always”.

“And dad?”.

Hearing him call me that made her mad. I loved that our son wanted me in the picture. But Alexis? If looks could kill, I'd be dead.

“So, what do you want to do for your birthday tomorrow?” Alexis asks instead, avoiding the question.

I chuckle lightly.

“Eat Mac and Cheese and watch SpongeBob”.

She laughs.

“But dad said we should do something together as a family... just the three of us. And I like the three of us together so let's do his idea”.

She gives me the look, then a tight smile follows.

“Alina's been discharged from the hospital. Why don't you go ask Yara to take you to see how she's doing after the surgery” she suggests.

“Can I bring her some of the really good chocolates dad got for us last week?” he chirps.

“Of course, sweetie”.

She kisses him and he runs up to give me a quick hug before bolting out the door.

“You didn't like the idea of the three of us doing something together for his birthday?” I ask, folding my arms.

She doesn't look up from her tablet.

“You brought him back safe and sound. I counted the hair on his head and not one's been lost. We don't have to talk, Noah” she replies.

I chuckle.

“This is about our son's birthday and the first time I'm present for something like this”.

She looks at me.

“You should be ashamed to even say that out loud,” she tells me. “Seven years, Noah. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, Noah. Seven” she holds out her fingers. “And you want to make this about how you feel?”.

Mark of an Alpha's Queen Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora