Chapter 15

182 29 13

Dedicated to arianna_morgan

And to you…yes you

With love ♥️

~the_atticwriter 🖤

Colton's POV

I wake up with a terrible headache and no idea of what happened last night.

So much for drinking away my sorrows.

I groan and ruffle my hair. I look down on the floor and see my clothes. I look under the covers and I'm butt naked. I hear a soft moan from the side of my bed and slowly turn to see a naked…Shannon!

Oh my God!

Then it all comes flooding back to me. I marked Shannon and had sex with her and for the first time…without protection!

“Shit, Colton!”.

I quickly grab my clothes from the floor and run to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and take a long cold shower, telling myself how stupid I was. I walk back out with a towel around my waist. Shannon was up and was sitting on the bed in my shirt. She smiles at me and I ignore her.

My mind was still on Alexis. Shannon hugs me from behind, he hands on my abs. I peel her hands away.

“Oh c'mon Colton…”.

“Look Shannon, I'm not in the mood to argue right now” I say slipping on some underwear.

I groan as the headache comes pounding back. Shannon walks into the bathroom and comes back with a bottle of aspirin. She pours me a glass of water and hands me the pills. I look at her and take it.

“Thank you” I say.

“Of course teddy bear” she says and pecks my lips.

I go ahead and put on some clothes.

“How about I get you some breakfast?” she offers. “We could eat together”.

“Do whatever you want Shannon, just leave me alone for now” I say, slip on the school's blazer and walk out.

I pass by Alexis' door. I stop and reach for the doorknob. I turn it and enter, only to find it empty. The bed looked like it hadn't been slept on. I rush in and open her closet.


“Shit! She's gone!”.


Alexis' POV

I play with my food and make faces at the fries.

“Xan you have to eat something” Keana says.

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