Open When... You need a friend

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Dear Boyfriend,

Hai baby. I need to tell you something. You know that before we were dating, we still talked and texted every day and we were good friends. We maintained our friendship for what I felt was a painfully long time. So whenever you need help or advice from a friend and not from your girlfriend, I still qualify. You can spill all your secrets to me and lay on my shoulder when you need comfort. You can hug me until my back cracks and lay on top of me until I can't breathe, but that will never stop me from being there for you. So if you ever need a friend, and all your other friends are unable to talk, you can always count on me. You know I'm an amazing friend; I care for all my friends deeply and value them tremendously. I've never let my friends down. See, look at this scenario. THINK OF THIS AS SOUR PATCH KIDS. So you have all colors of sour patch kids in a small pack you bought at the dollar store because you're broke. All those colors of those sour patch kids represent your friends and then you have those nasty yellow colored ones that taste like caca that no one likes. But even though no one likes the yellow ones, they are still consumed by people, they still are sour patch kids, so they still are your friends. Get it? I'm the yellow sour patch kid. Because even if you don't consider me a friend, I still qualify for the role because I'm a sour patch kid as well. Just because I'm your girlfriend doesn't mean I should be discriminated from your friends. And no baby, your present from this letter is not sour patch kids from the dollar store. Calm down, I'm not that cheap of a FRIEND. So I just want you to remember this... Whatever problems you have, whoever bothers you, whatever's going on in your life, whatever's on your mind, you can trust me not to judge you, and always offer you the best advice I can. If you ask me to listen to you from a friend's perspective and not as your girlfriend, I will hunny bunny. Anything for you. No matter what baby. I understand how important it is to have your friends be with you and supporting you at all times. I know how much and how deeply close friends can affect your life and what an influence they could have on you. I understand the necessity of true friendship, and having reliable people surround you. So hun, the purpose of the letter was to explain to you, that I could be your friend at times when you need me to. And all the other times, I'll continue being your amazing and loving girlfriend who will never leave your side, and never leave you in general. I will never stop loving my precious hunny bunny. Te amo mucho. Open gift #24 for me. It's a nice and comforting present from a friend. 

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