Open When... You are worried

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Dear Boyfriend,

I know that worries and anxieties are plaguing your mind right now, but your baby girl is here to tell you that everything will resolve in a matter of time. Have trust and faith in the process. In life, everything is predisposed to happen a certain way, so let the natural course of life take flight. You will be okay in the end, I promise. I'm here with you throughout every step of the way. There's no possibility in me leaving. I am grounded by your side to make sure that when you fight your monsters, I'm joining the battle. There will never be a time and a place that you are left to deal with these issues on your own. We're in everything together. We solve every problem with the brain power of two! Now that you know I'm here, I encourage you to write to me and tell me what worries you. Tell me about the things that keep you up at night. Tell me about the unresolved nightmares. Tell me what you are scared of. Talking it out with someone you trust will make your problems seem smaller (because now there's two of us to tackle them). And sharing with me will make me feel like these letters to you are beneficial and worthwhile. Also, sharing with me helps us to be closer and build on the intimacies of our relationship. I only wish to see you with a smile my love. I know it is not possible 100% of the time, but while you read my letters, I hope that you wear a lovely smile on your face. There's no need to be worried anymore. The time will come and life will fit all the right pieces into all the right places. Keep the monsters behind an iron gate as much as you can, and I'll be by your side soon to help you stand up to them. I hope you have a breezy day and a restful night. Love you.

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