Open When... You are thinking of me

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Dear Boyfriend,

My love, I wonder if your legs ever get tired of walking around in my head and stepping into all of my thoughts. I wonder if you actually know how often I think of you and how often you get involved into everything I do. I wonder if you understand that a very large portion of my day includes me thinking, wishing, and dreaming of you. I wonder if you know that even if I'm doing something important or concentrating really hard on a task, I always let my wonderful thoughts of you flood my mind. Wherever and whenever, I'm always thinking of you. Don't assume that I spend my days entirely forgetting you and being distracted with others. I would never do such a thing. Even if I tried to get you out of my head, you remain with a firm and loving grip. I cannot get you out of my head. You are thinking of the impossible. But what is possible are my sweet dreams at night where you hold me so tight and you never think about letting go. What is possible are my thoughts on how we will spend the future together. What is possible is the constant reminder of how much you mean to me in the picture frames all around my room. What is possible is me spending a couple of minutes petting Princess (my hamster) and remembering the day you introduced her into my life. What is possible is me recalling old memories with a vivid flashback while I am relaxing at the pool. What is possible is me laying my head on the pillow you gave me and letting you enter my mind with all the nice thoughts you bring. What is possible is me falling asleep on the call while your sweet voice lulls me into a deep sleep. What is possible is me going out with my friends and wishing you were there to share the fun. What is possible is me pondering my lonely room and wishing I was kissing you instead of missing you. What is possible is me getting very upset when our plans get canceled. What is possible is me curling up late at night while tears slowly roll down my cheeks thinking about how much I need you. What is possible is me getting depressed after not seeing you for over a week. What is possible is me staring blankly and just hoping something will turn around and you will appear right behind me, squeezing me into your loving embrace. What is possible is me texting you about how much I miss you. What is possible is me spending hours with you on the call because we both know that hanging up is the last thing we want to do. Both good things and bad things occur when I think of you, but I would take the loneliness for as long as you needed me to as long as I knew you were mine. All the things I listed are possible, and have probably happened more than once. But never once will I mention the impossible, which is me NOT thinking about you.

So guess what? You're thinking of me. Well I'm thinking of you too. Yes, right now. Yes, this very moment. I want to give you something that I made for you. It's fun and exciting and I think you will appreciate it a lot. I can't wait for you to open it. Find #48 and enjoy.

*12 pre planned dates for each month

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