Larry's kid sick- for larrybeiberdreams

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Sick. Sick. Sick. Sick. Sick.

He was just so sick.

So sick that he'd have to miss school tomorrow, and consequently his terrifying history test too.  He was just too sick, he wouldn't be able to make it.

Jake groaned in frustration as he came to the conclusion that his inward chanting wasn't working at all. His body wasn't falling for it. 

The annoying thing was that he was generally a smart kid, a logical thinker who'd aced just about every test he'd every sat. Nevertheless, the history test the next day made him want to simply jump into a bottomless pit and just fall forever. He wasn't used to the fear or failing an it was driving him crazy.

History was his worst subject by a mile. There were no ways to work things out, like maths, and it was all just memory which Jake had a tough time with sometimes. Sure, he could remember all the major stuff, but some of the little things just went in one ear and out the other. 

His notes were a scribbly mess that he could barely decipher and he'd accidentally left his textbook on the bus months ago so he didn't even have anything to help him study.

If he took the test with the muddled mess or random facts he had stored in his brain in that moment, he'd be lucky to scrape through with a B. But as the A+ kid he was under a lot of pressure and B wouldn't suffice. 

So there he was, sitting on the edge of the bed trying to trick his body into getting sick so that he would be able to hide from the test for one more day. 

Jake sucked at faking sick, he never laid it on thick enough because if he went too far he would get all flushed and guilty and end up backing out.

By the looks of it though, he was going to have to give the whole faking thing another try because it seemed no matter how many times he told himself that he was sick nothing happened and he felt as healthy as ever.

A shadow cast through the light coming from the crack in the door and Jake looked up to see his papa peeping his head through the doorway.

"Jakey, it's almost midnight, you should be asleep by now," he said with an accusing tone, rubbing the sleep out of his blue eyes.

Jake shrugged, "I can't get to sleep." 

It was the truth, the pressure and stress was lingering like a suffocating cloud, he had tried to sleep but it felt like there was a pillow being held over his face. He was just too anxious.

 A playful look shone in Louis' eyes, "why not? Would you like to come into our bedroom and cuddle?"

"I'm not three year old,Papa," Jake said, rolling his eyes and chuckling quietly.

"I know." His papa sighed, " I miss when you were little."

Jake raised an eyebrow, "because  the girls weren't around?" 

"No, of course not! You were just cuter before, and I guess it was a little. . .quieter." 

He pulled a guilty face but Jake couldn't blame him for missing the quiet. There was never any of that any more.

Jake had five younger sisters. A set of twins, and a set of triplets. 

While adopting the twins, his parents had known they were adopting two babies, that was all fine. However, with the triplets, by the time they realised there were actually three  babies the papers were already signed. 

Being the people they are though, neither of them made a fuss over it and instead simply brought the three baby girls home. It was hectic at first but after an adjusting period everything settled down and it had become the normal. Jake didn't mind the full house, he was never lonely.

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