Liam sick- for larrybieberdreams

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The restaurant was booming with joyful laughter and boisterous guffaws and the quaint music in the background was becoming more and more upbeat as the night progressed. The sounds of dinnerware and cutlery chinking together and kids arguing on top of everything else were enough to drive anyone crazy.

Not Liam though. Despite the ruckus surrounding him he was in a constant battle with his eyelids, fighting to keep them open. His fork swung lazily in his hand, propped up by his elbow on the tablecloth, and he had no idea what the current conversation of the group was.

"How's your food Li?" Niall asked his friend, nodding at the plate of pasta. Liam blinked and looked down at it. Honestly, he'd forgotten that it was even there. The couple of pieces he'd had when he'd first been delivered his meal were nice, "good."

"But you've hardly touched it," Harry said, sympathy evident in his voice. They'd all known Liam wasn't feeling that great but the doe eyed lad had promised them that he was up to going out for some dinner. Although speculative, the rest of the boys had been desperately hungry after missing lunch due to a particularly lengthy rehearsal and they took his answer as the truth.

"We shouldn't have come out," Louis sighed, taking the fork from Liam's swinging hand. It was obvious now that he most definitely was not up to it and Louis felt awfully guilty for not realising it before they had left the hotel that evening.

"I'm okay," Liam said quietly, not wanting to cause his throat more pain than necessary, "I'm just tired."

He covered his mouth as he yawned and then leaned his head onto Harry's shoulder beside him.

"We should get going, catch a taxi back to the hotel," Niall said. They'd walked to the restaurant but it had taken twenty minutes and nobody believed Liam would be able to stay awake that long.

"You guys finish eating first," Liam whispered.

"We're all finished Li, we were waiting for you. Are you going to eat anymore?" Harry asked him quietly, speaking right into his ear.

"Can we take it with us?" Liam murmured. He didn't feel like eating right that moment but the dinner he'd ordered really was quite nice and he wanted to have it later when he was hungry.

"I'm sure we can." Harry nodded, "Lou, would you go ask for a takeaway container or something?"

"Yeah, sure," Louis complied, getting to his feet. He cleaned his hands on a napkin and walked off.

"I'll call a taxi," Niall volunteered. He found a number online and gave it a call, realising that he was going to have to get away from all the noise if he wanted a chance in hearing anything the person on the other end of the line said.

"I'll just be waiting outside for you lot," he said quickly to Harry and Liam before jogging to the entrance and ducking out into the cool night, phone held to his ear.

Louis returned with a lidded container and Harry helped him to scrape Liam's leftover inside. The lid clicked with each corner Louis pressed down.

Slowly, Harry stood up. Liam got up too, yawning again and clearing his throat.

"Come on then, let's go meet Niall. Hopefully he managed to get a quick taxi," Louis said, waving his two friends toward the way out of the stuffy restaurant.

Liam felt the stares burning into him as he shuffled along behind Harry, yawning and rubbing his eyes. He felt like a kid who needed a nap and he was sure that he looked very much the same, the looks he was being given were all sympathetic and kind, as if his exhaustion was the most adorable thing in the whole world, which made him feel even more childish.

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