Harry's kid sick- for larrybeiberdreams

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Uh, I forgot to write the username down again. Someone feel free to shoot me. I'm so sorry.

"I reckon grabbing a tissue might help you out a bit Jack."

"Huh?" I blearily looked up from my cereal.

I sniffled again and Dad raised an eyebrow, "a tissue?"

"Oh," I grumbled, "right." I rubbed at the tip of my nose and shrugged dismissively, "I'm good."

"Morning my two favourite boys," Mum swept into the kitchen, ruffling my hair up. She locked Dad's ipad and kissed him.
"And to you m'lady," Dad grinned at her happily. I sighed and swallowed an overly chewed mouthful of cereal with a wince. Despite it literally being nothing but mushy liquid it still hurt a bit going down. My throat was dry and itchy when I woke and I must've drunken at least a litre of water in an attempt to make it go away. No die.

I sneezed and like a hawk mum spun on me.
"Bless you. That horrid winter cold is spreading around J, are you feeling alright?"
"Bit stuffy, throats kind of bugging me. It's really nothing, I'm fine Mum," I rolled my eyes as I stood and scraped the remaining half of my breakfast into the waste disposer.
I groaned as she touched a hand to my forehead and tutted worriedly, "I don't think you're warm at all."
"You worry wart," dad chuckled to himself. He patted Mum's shoulder, "I'll go get Mara moving."

Mum frowned and chewed on her lip, "maybe you should stay home. . ."
"Mum," I complained. Usually I'd leap at the chance for a day of lazing on the couch, but exams were approaching fast and I was so far failing maths. I needed all the time I could get.
"It's just a sniffly nose. Nobody stays home over a sniffly nose. I feel fine, and I need to be in maths at the moment if I wanna pass."
Mum touched my face again. I stared at her with a blunt look, "seriously Mum."
She sighed reluctantly, "alright, but take it easy today. And make sure you load up on cold and flu before you go." I nodded, gave her a hug, and went to go pack my bag. My maths books weighed ton and the bag dug into my shoulders sharply. After cleaning up in the bathroom and tugging my clunky shoes on I took a couple of pills and headed out to meet Dad and Mara in the car.

"Crank up the heat will you?" I shivered as we rolled out onto the road.
Dad glanced back at me in the rearview mirroring, making me inwardly groan. He was wearing the same worried look as Mum now. I wouldn't have said anything if I'd known I was going to start him up.
"Maybe Mum was right, I can still drop you off home. You're shaking."
I rolled my eyes, "I'm only 'shaking' because it's freezing in here."
The vent I had my hands pressed up against boosted a rush of hot air, making me sigh in relief, "ah."

It really was too bad that I was too stubborn to listen to Mum and Dad that morning. If I'd just stayed home like they'd recommended I wouldn't be suffering through last period maths. My head hurt, I couldn't breathe, and every time I coughed everyone stared at me like I was about to start spreading the plague.

"Mate, Jackson, you can't fall asleep. Miss will have your head." Cade probed my shoulder.
"If cutting it off will stop it from throbbing I'm all for it," I muttered thickly, my throat protesting. Everything had gradually worsened throughout the day and now I was practically a walking sack of flu. It was too much to be the horrid cold mum had mentioned that morning, unless my tolerance had majorly plummeted. A cold had never made me feel this shitty before.

The teacher let us pack up a couple of minutes before the bell as per usual and I let put the coughs I'd been holding in as everyone began chatting loudly. Cade thumped my back.

I refused to meet Dad's eyes as I got into the car. Call me stubborn, but I didn't want him to know that he'd been right.

"How was your day?" He asked knowingly. I shot him a warning look. Now was not the time to wind me up, I was definitely not in the mood.
"By the looks of you, I'd say pretty dreadful..." He trailed off, answering his own question. The heat boosted right up suddenly and I relaxed slightly into my seat as the warmth seeped into my skin. After sitting in freezing cold classrooms all day it was heavenly.
"Just take me home," I grumbled, turning my head to the side and shutting my eyes. Dad turned down the music and rested a hand on my knee as he drove us back to the house. He was all talk, acting like hardass. I knew better, he was a total softie and I knew he felt as bad for me as I did.

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