Niall sick- for jo_theDirectioner

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"I fucking love waterparks!" Louis screamed from somewhere deep inside the house. I rolled over and tried my best to block out his stupid voice with my pillow. Unfortunately the dude was like a siren and even when the singular pillow turned into a tilting pile of three I could still hear his voice ringing in my ears, "we're going to Wet and Wild! Fuck yeah Buddy!"
(sorry guys, the only ones I've ever done are the Aussie ones)

Then came the all too familiar sound of someone getting hit with a flip flop, "shut up, idiot! It's five a clock in the morning!"
"The time difference screwed me up, Liam, and I'm fucking pumped!"
"Quit swearing!"

Louis skipped down the hall, "fuck, fuck fuck, fuckety fuck fuck fuck. . ."
Another flip flop slap and the sound of Louis' skipping drew to a sudden stop. Uncertainly I peeled my layers of pillows away and lifted my heavy head some.
"I'm so gonna kick your arse for that Payne!"

I groaned and flipped the pillows back down. Was it really just five in the morning? Why was I even awake? I sure as hell didn't want to be, not with the stomach and headache I had woke up with. My stomach had been aching last night after dinner but it was a lot more prominent now, with the added discomfort of swirling nausea, and my head was absolutely throbbing.

My skin crawled and all of a sudden I got the feeling that I needed to get to a bathroom, asap. One hand over my mouth to act as a safety net and the other holding my twisting stomach I ungracefully climbed out of bed, kicking desperately as the covers wound their way around my ankles.
I started off walking nice and slow, not wanting to jostle my insides, but there came a point where I had the choice of either running or puking my guts up onto the carpet so I took the first option and broke into a dizzy sprint, locking myself in the bathroom just in time to retch and lunge over and toilet as I threw up with a rocking harshness that made every muscle in my stomach protest and tighten.

"Gross," I whimpered as I flushed the toilet and propped myself up onto my feet. I splashed some water on my face and wondered how I was going to break it to the boys. I felt awful, there was no way I was going to last the day out in the hot sun at a water-park. Even if I was healthy I probably wouldn't last, too be completely honest. Water wasn't really my thing, and I was already burned to a crisp. The stupid sunblock couldn't keep the sun from blistering my poor skin.

I knew that saying I was unwell was going to cause an uproar. Liam tended to get protective, he'd probably want to hang back with me, and then Louis would be torn between going without us or not going at all and judging by his excited shouting it was going to be a tough decision for him.

A knock on the door made me jump.

"Niall, I know it's early but we're all up so we're just going to go get breakfast now," Harry said, jiggling the handle.

The thought of food made my stomach turn. I took a deep breath and opened the door, preparing to explain myself.
"I'm not hungry Harry," I rasped, holding myself up with the door frame.

"Neither am I, it's frikkin early," Harry said, nodding in agreement and obviously not understanding what I was getting at.

"No, Haz, I threw up," I reiterated sadly, clearing my throat. "I feel really bad."

Harry sighed and scanned me over doubtfully, "you look fine to me Ni, are you sure this isn't about something else?"

Okay, that reaction wasn't one I'd thought about. Everyone knew that I wasn't exactly ecstatic about today's activities, but I would've thought they'd know that I would never ruin it for everyone else as well. If even sweet Harry thought I was faking, Liam and Louis were going to have a shitfest.

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