Louis seasick- for fafa_clifford

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"Whoa!" Niall exclaimed in excitement, his voice hardly audible over the screaming and booming of the fireworks over our heads. The sky burst into colour over and over again, raining down over the ship in a curtain of sparkling embers and ash.

Harry shrieked and whacked a burnt firework off the top of his head. He ducked behind me comically, shielding his head with his arms.

"This sure is a grand departure isn't it Lou," Liam whispered into my ear, staring up at the exploding sky.

"I love fireworks." I grinned, following his gaze.

The boat swayed and rocked as it crashed down a wave and I was tossed clumsily in Liam's direction, stumbling over my feet. The entire ship roared in laughter as Liam caught me by the elbows and they all stumbled around too, like a bunch of drunks we all were.

"Whew, thanks." I smiled at Liam gratefully and straightened up, grabbing onto the side railing in case it happened again. "Guess I haven't got my sea legs just yet."

Liam chuckled and craned his neck as another burst of red splashed vibrantly against the flawless dark canvas above our heads.

My grip on the railing tightened as the ground beneath my feet lurched sideways again. This time I was the only one who seemed to notice anything. Everyone else's feet remained firmly planted on the floor. I hadn't ever been on a boat this big before and it was strange feeling the floor rocking back and forth so unpredictably with the churning water beneath me.

I supposed I'd get used to it; we were on a two week cruise so if I didn't I was in for an awkward time. I couldn't remember whose idea it had been to spend half our two week break on a boat but hey, it was something different.

The night went by quickly, drink after drink. They weren't even alcoholic, well, not the majority of them, but I got pretty pumped up and so did the rest of the lads. It was easy to go crazy when everyone else was. It was a massive boat but quite private, there were only about two hundred other people on board. It wasn't a lot, but it was enough to create a mood and I was all for it.

It was early morning by the time the four of us got back to our rooms and I could hardly walk. I was a tad bit drunk and the rocking had me tripping into walls and unable to even almost walk in a straight line.

Liam closed the door behind us and I flopped onto my bed with a grunt as the air raced out of my chest on impact.

Liam laughed at me as I tried to roll over and nearly fell out of bed. I'd never been so uncoordinated and it was tripping me out.

"Just sleeping in that? Can I shut the lights off?" Liam questioned, finger lingering on the switch.

I nodded tiredly and kicked the tucked in blankets down so that I squeeze under them. The bed was made so tight I almost pulled a muscle in my leg. It went dark and I shut my eyes as Liam climbed into his own bed with a brief scuffle and rustle.

Laying down, the movement of the boat made me feel even weirder. I was too tired to stay awake for long thankfully.


"Louis! It's breakfast!"

I opened my eyes and immediately gagged, jolting upright in fright.

"Shit, you're good, wait up a sec," Liam encouraged as he hoisted me out of bed and quickly lead me to kneel in front of the toilet. It was quite a tight room but he managed to fit in there with me, one foot inside the shower.

My eyes bulged out as I threw up all the liquid I'd consumed the night before. After I'd flushed all that out some solids came up too and I was left breathing heavily and sweating hot rivulets all over my body.

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