Harry sick-charliecasand1d*Extended

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"Damn it."
Achoo, achoo, achoo, h-chew, achoo!

"For fucks sake!"

Harry mumbled quiet and congested curses to himself as he rubbed his forehead in distress. He opened his eyes to meet his own glassy gaze in the full height mirror in front of him. At least the suit was nice, and his hair wasn't too bad, he decided. It drew attention away from his horribly chaffed nose and swollen dry lips. He sighed, letting his puffy and bloodshot eyes close again for the time being.

He sneezed again into his hands as he made his way out to where the make up artist was waiting, fully prepped with a sympathetic look on her face. Harry had gotten to know the young girl a bit, and he'd texted her that morning to warn her of the tough job she was going to have today.

"Come sit Harry," she smiled, patting the seat in front of her.
Harry did as he was told, sniffling and trying not to cough. This throat was already painful enough, no need to make it any worse. He was torn between wanting to win something at this awards show he was due at in an hour and a half, and not wanting to win anything at all. If he won he'd have to give some kind of speech and he honestly wasn't sure if he could manage, at least without sounding like a croaky old man.

"How are you feeling? Have you taken anything?" Lexi questioned kindly as she wiped Harry's sweating face down with something cold and wet. Harry didn't like the feel of it much but he couldn't complain to Lexi, she was way too nice and she was helping him.

"Honestly Lex, pretty dreadful," Harry responded after clearing his throat.
Lexi flinched visibly at the sound of his voice, making him groan and drop his freshly cleaned face into his hands, "just kill me now. . ."
Lexi chuckled quietly, "it's not that noticeable, seriously," she added at the doubtful look Harry shot her way. "After I'm done with you you'll be looking as pretty as always and I have some throat lollies in my bag somewhere which you're going to suck on while I get this done. You'll be fine."

"Thank you," Harry moaned gratefully when he was handed the throat lolly. He didn't have any of those and he hadn't had anything else to help soothe his burning throat either so it really was such a relief. He popped it into his mouth and sat back, uttering a quick cough and an apology.

When Lexi was all finished up Harry looked in the mirror again and by the looks of it she had managed the impossible of making him looking exactly like he usually did. She couldn't fix his red eyes though so apart from a bit of sleep deprivation maybe he looked mostly healthy, which was a huge step up from before. He tackled Lexi in a tight but quick hug as he felt the urge to sneeze again and pulled away before he could infect her with any kind of plague he'd caught.

After swallowing back a lot more cough medicine and pain relief for the inevitable headache than what was recommended he took a deep, determined breath before heading out the door, pocketing the extra throat lollies Lexi had given him.

It was just one night. He just had to survive a few hours and then he could get back to bed with his laptop and pillows.

The bodyguards followed him all the way out to the car and then one quietly loaded in with him, sitting there silently and staring straight ahead. Harry sniffed and leaned his head back against the head rest in an attempt to keep his recently blown nose clear. Not even two minutes into it it was clear that it wasn't going to work and Harry had almost fallen asleep.

"Five minutes to go," the driver stated, glancing at Harry in the mirror. Harry blinked himself as awake as he could and nodded blearily, using one hand to massage his throat. He was starting to regret not going to get a strep test. Everyone he'd seen said it was probably just a cold and he'd agreed but now he was feeling worse and his throat was killing him.

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