Harry toothache: anonymous

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"Harry you should really have at least something small, I don't know when we're gonna have another opportunity to eat," Louis shot me a sideways glance, gesturing at my empty plate. My stomach grumbled miserably, moaning from the hunger coursing through it. Especially surrounded with all this food, the breakfast buffet at this hotel stretched on forever and every time I caught a whiff of something new my hungry tummy would perk up.
Then my mouth would water and I would be reminded why I couldn't have anything in the first place.
"I'm not hungry," I lied, forcing a small smile past the throbbing in my mouth. This damn tooth was going to be the death of me. It wasn't even bad until sometime last night, and now it just hurt like hell.
My stomach rumbled a deep pleading thunderous sound, completely contradicting what I'd just said. Liam frowned in confusion and dropped a cinnamon bun onto my plate, "you're gut's saying otherwise. Is something wrong?"
Fervently, I shook my head and looked away.

By the time sat down I'd added a pot of yoghurt and some watermelon to my plate, my tummy managing to convince me to eat despite the pain. It'd get the boys off my back too. If I kept on top of the pain relievers hopefully the ache would die down before anyone figured me out and dragged me off to the dentist. The only way they'd get me in that waiting room was bound and gagged.
There are millions of places in the world I'd chose over going to the dentists office. Take jail for example, or in a lions den. Ever since I was little I'd had a great big fear of it, or as mum used to say, stubbornness. I wasn't just being stubborn, the thought of having someone sticking things in my mouth, pulling things out, drilling, needles, it made me shudder.

I'd much rather survive a bad toothache than be in that stupid chair for some creepy old dude to lean over with his tools of torture.

The other lads dug in cheerfully while I uneasily sucked a spoonful of vanilla yoghurt off my spoon. It was cold, which already was a bad idea now that I think back on it, but it's not like I had to chew so after swallowing I decided that it wasn't so bad. Being so hungry I demolished the pot within five minutes and started with the watermelon, eating on the other side of my mouth. My jaw ached dully but the pain in my tooth didn't actually get any worse until I over stretched my boundaries with an attempt at the cinnamon bun.
The whimper that accidentally slipped out gained the attention of all the boys and I went beet red under their worried stares. I ducked my head down and carried on, acting as nothing had ever happened. No one said anything about it thankfully and breakfast went on, leaving me to stare longingly at the warm bun still left on plate.

After everyone else was finished we trekked back upstairs to wait until we had to leave for sound check in a couple of hours. We weren't allowed to leave the hotel so it was going to be a bit boring but I thought I'd just try to get some more sleep as last night hadn't been the best.

Before heading back to bed I stopped in the kitchen part to take some more pain relief. I thought I was being sneaky about it, pouring a glass of water and popping the pills out under the counter top, but Niall unfortunately still caught on.

"What are you popping those for Haz? Headache from Liam's snoring?"

"Shut up Horan, I don't even snore!" Liam protested from his comfortable spot on the couch.

Niall rolled his eyes.

I closed my fist around the pills and looked at him innocently, "popping what?"

With a curious gaze Niall nodded towards my hand, "the pain killers."

I shrugged awkwardly, "I'm not taking any pain killers."

Confused and most likely very suspicious Niall hummed and wandered off. I sighed and knocked my head on the wall. So much for discrete.

Lying and sneaking around wasn't exactly my forte. I'd never been very good at it and now it was going to be the reason I found myself strapped into a dentists chair unless I could figure it out.

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