For- shadow_dancer666 and DHMORREGO

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"Can I have another cough drop?" Niall asked from his spot on the couch, rubbing at his blood-shot eyes.

"You've gone through almost two packets in less than eight hours Ni, I'm not sure if we should be letting you have any more,"

 Liam frowned as he picked up the packet to read off the back speculatively.

"I don't think it's possible to overdose on cough drops Liam, just give me one please?" Niall whined.

I flinched as he sneezed into his hands. Better than the air, but I still felt like I could see the germs crawling towards me and the rest of us that were healthy.

I wanted to leave the room, get far away from Niall and his stupid cold as I could but what would the others say? They would probably accuse me of not caring about him, or being too lazy to help out when really that wasn't the case at all.

I didn't want to look like an idiot when I told them that I was scared.

I tucked my hands into my pockets and tried to forget about how contaminated the air was.

Liam seemed to be struggling with the new packet of cough drops and Niall quickly grew impatient. 

He tipped his head back and groaned, "I'll cough on you in the night if you don't hurry the fuck up, Liam." 

 I shuffled a little further over on the arm of the couch that I was sitting on.

Liam pulled a face as he tried again to rip into the paper tube, "I'm trying, it's harder than it looks." 

Harry pinched it from his grasp and ripped the entire thing in one swift motion, making all of the contents fall onto the floor.

"That's one way to do it," Liam said and Harry shrugged with a smirk as he picked them up, biffing one over to Niall who tore the wrapper off and hurriedly put it into his mouth with a wet sniff.

I cringed, my hands tightening into fists.

"Why do I feel so terrible?" Niall moaned.

Harry rolled his eyes, "because you're an idiot who decided it would be fun to mess about in the rain." 

"Rhetorical question, Harry. . ." Niall whined as he turned onto his back, "and anyway, Louis did it with me."

"Yeah, and I showered right afterwards while you sat right down and inhaled the fridge," I pointed out. The offer was too fun to pass up at the time, and I definitely didn't regret it, it as the most fun I've had in ages, but I knew that if I didn't get warm and dry fast afterwards I'd get ill. I'd tried warning Niall but as expected, he didn't listen so here we were. 

I guess we should just be glad we had the week off before we got stuck into recording the new album.

"Shut up, I'm stupid, I get it." 

Niall's voice crackled and let out a few chesty coughs.

I jumped out of my seat and started for the way out of the living room, moving at a slightly quicker than brisk pace.

"Where you off to, Lou?" Liam called after me as I slipped through the doorway.

"Bathroom," I yelled back. It was true, I was going to bathroom to have a long hot shower where I could scrub myself clean from the army of germs I could feel all over my skin.


Liam's POV:

I detested my luck the next morning when I woke up with a killer headache and a stuffy nose.
I could hear Niall in his bedroom coughing a lung up by the sounds of it but it took me a few seconds to work up the courage to get up out of bed and help him.

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