Harry hurt- for xoxojanineoxox

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"Yo, Liam, there's your girlfriend!" Gabe hooted, clapping me on the back and almost making me deep throat myself with my burger. The entire table erupted into a chorus of loud and very obvious noises.

Reluctantly I lifted my head and sighed. Ellie looked as if she'd rather be anywhere but there. Red as a stop sign she ducked behind one of her friends with a short glance in my direction. I managed a short apologetic smile before Gabe started yelling again, "don't you want to come sit over here with Liam?"

I dragged his arse down off the table top and pushed him into the spot beside me, "quit it, leave her alone."

Gabe grinned and whispered loudly, "are you embarrassed little Lili?"

"She is," I corrected, "stop it."

Gabe sucked in a breath but I knew he wasn't going to argue. He was my best mate and there was somewhat of a deal between us about this kind of thing, I let him know when he was going too far and he let me know when I was being a tight ass.

"Sorry man," Gabe said, chucking a hunk of pizza into his mouth.

I looked around again for Ellie and her friends to make sure they weren't too traumatised. I'd made the mistake of mentioning her once to Gabe and he'd blown everything out of proportion. She was my desk partner in chemistry but Gabe seemed to think she was something else to me entirely.

She was nowhere to be seen but as I searched my gaze soon landed on another familiar mop of brown hair, this time curly. He was moving slowly through the room and my eyebrows furrowed when I realised he was limping.

Setting my lunch down I stood up and brushed my hands off on my jeans, keeping my stare trained on Harry so that I wouldn't lose him in the hoard.

"Where are you off to?" Gabe questioned.

"I'm just going to talk to Harry about something, I'll be back in a minute," I replied in a hurried voice as I stepped back out of my seat and took off, "look after my shit!"

It was nearing the end of the lunch hour which meant the cafeteria was mainly full of seniors, most of which Harry was shorter than so it was difficult to keep an eye on him as I weaved through the crowd. I almost missed him, narrowly grabbing onto one of bag straps as he limped towards the door.

He jolted away from me and whirled around, eyes wide. My hands flew up, "it's just me!"
"Don't sneak up on me Li." He sighed in relief and eased onto his other foot.

I frowned at the grimace that passed over his soft features, "I saw you limping and I thought I'd come make sure you were okay."
Harry paused before shrugging and chewing at his lip for a moment, "yeah I just- tripped. Knee's kinda sore."

"You've been to see the nurse to ice it?"
"I'm fine Liam," Harry replied, rolling his eyes.
"Okay, okay, I'm just checking Haz. I'm the big brother remember, it's kind of my job," I said with a laugh.
"Can I go now?"

"Whatever, I'll see you after school."
Harry nodded and disappeared out the door without another word.

I headed back to my friends to finish my food before lunch ended, unable to shake a funny feeling.

That afternoon I waited by my car ten minutes for Harry to appear in the fluctuation of students piling out of the buildings. He walked with one of his friends to meet me, still stumbling lopsidedly. It wasn't as noticeable as it was earlier though.

I took his bag and chucked it through the open window into the back of the car with mine as he said goodbye to his friend and climbed into the passenger set, rubbing at his eyes.

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