Harry sick

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"Haz, the van's outside, we've gotta get on the road or we're gonna miss the interview!"  

Niall's voice made it through the pillow that my head was buried in. More comfortable than it sounded, by the way.

"Can we just stay here?" I groaned . I wasn't in the mood to go anywhere but to sleep.

 I was pretty sure I had eaten something off, or caught some kind of stomach bug from somewhere because I felt so sick to my gut and had ever since I woke up this morning.

"You know we can't mate," Niall replied sympathetically. "You usually don't mind these things though, what's up?"

I didn't see the point in making him worry like he usually did when one of us wasn't feeling well, especially if this was just an upset tummy that would pass in a few hours. Plus, I got sick all the time, way more than any one else in the band did, and it was starting to piss me off so surely it's pissing everyone else off too.

"Nothing, I just don't want to go today."

"Sorry, we have to," Niall said, "come on, out of bed."

I sat up a little gingerly, noticing that the swirling in my stomach had gotten a bit stronger and that my head was beginning to throb too. Great, this was going to be an awesome interview.

I slid into the pair of shoes at the base of the bed and stood up with an internal moan. If Mum was here I wouldn't have to go anywhere. But she wasn't, and now I had to do an interview feeling like shit.

"Let's go, I think the others are waiting."

 Niall smiled encouragingly and lead the way out into the main room where sure enough Liam and Louis were waiting with their hair slicked and shoes shined.

"Ready?" Liam asked with a lopsided grin.

 Niall nodded with a sideways glance at me, "yeah, we're good to go."

"Then we better be on our way, or Rick's gonna be angry at us."

 Liam herded us all through the door. My legs felt kind of lead-like and I stumbled a bit on my way past, earning a chuckle out of the brown-eyed lad.

"A little clumsy today Styles?" he asked teasingly, clapping my shoulder lightly.

"Something like that," I murmured, more to myself than anyone else.

Louis fell into step next to me on the way down to the lobby. Liam and Niall were ahead a few strides, laughing about something.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, course," I blurted.

Louis frowned, gazing at me intensely as he tried to figure me out, "you're kind of pale Haz, and you're acting weird."

 I looked away as if admiring the art on the wall and shook my head as slightly as I could so that I didn't make the headache any worse.

"I always act weird Lou.  I'm feeling a bit under the weather so I'm probably just pale because of that," I explained, putting on my best show of casualness. 

He'd noticed and asked about it, so I'd answered truthfully. It would be good to have someone who knew anyway, in case it got worse.

Niall would've just over-reacted but Louis I hoped would keep it on the down low.

"And you haven't said anything why?"

I shrugged, "it's not bad. I'll survive."

"I hope you're right because the interview venue is three hours away. I won't say anything, but if you need anything, or you start feeling worse you've gotta tell me, deal?" Louis raised a brow expectantly. 

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