Niall sick- for directioner3714

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 You peeked your head into your fourteen year old brother's room and scanned the place for him, "hey Ni, are you okay?" 

The mound of duvets in the centre of the bed shuddered.

Niall had stayed home from school sick after whining enough to your mum and since you were on study leave from school you'd been left with Niall for the day. It was just after twelve now, and he still hadn't come out of his room yet.

"'M fine, go away," came a quiet and congested response.

"I think you should come out for something to eat, I know you didn't have breakfast." 

You opened the door properly and slid into the room. It was awfully humid in there, the heat gave you a bit of a shock. The heater was plugged in and spitting out scorching hot air. You knew Niall was cold but from what your mum has told you, the kid had a bit of a fever and you doubted the heat would be helping.

"I don't wanna move. . ." Niall whined and you heard the familiar crinkling sound as he sniffled.

"Ni, you have a cold. You're not dying." You laughed and shook his form, "you should eat."

"Can you bring me something?"

 You rolled your eyes. It was normal for Niall to act kind of pathetic when he was sick. You weren't sure if he just milked it for all the attention he could get, or if he really just didn't deal with feeling under the weather very well but either way you'd always found it amusing, "come on, Ni."

He slowly emerged from underneath the duvet and you had to admit that he did look quite horrible. You'd probably be whining if you looked like as awful as he did. His nose was a bright pink colour and his eyes were puffy and wet. Somehow he was pale and flushed at the same time and there were little imprints all over his skin from the sheets.


You shook your head, "I'll help you up."

He groaned and you thought he was about to start an argument. Thankfully, he didn't. Instead, he sat up and sneezed twice into his hands twice before rubbing his eyes roughly.
"It's freezing in here, that heater sucks," he grumbled, folding over his front with his back all hunched.
"I hope you're joking because it's bloody cooking in here. Sit tight for a second, I think I'll go find the thermometer." 

You frowned and rubbed his back for a second before heading out to the kitchen. Your mum had told you earlier that she'd left the thermometer on the table in case you needed it.

You swiped it up and went back to the bedroom, grimacing as Niall blew his nose for what looked like the thousandth time today, judging by the pile of tissues covering his carpet. The bin was buried.

You gave him the little stick and he tucked it under his arm, shuffling up against the headboard so that he didn't have to support himself. "I wanna go to sleep but I can't" he comlained, leaning his head back. He pushed his sticky hair off his face and extracted the device when it started beeping.

"Try harder. What does it say?"


"And you're cold!" you exclaimed, "I'm turning the heater off."

"Don't! Please. . ." Niall exclaimed, his voice thick. He pulled his duvet up to his neck, "don't."

"Your fever will get higher and you'll just feel even worse," you explained, "do you want to feel like total shit?"

"I don't want my nipples to fre-uh-" 

He shook as an flurry of sneezes flew through him, "ugh, I need some more tissues." He wiped at his eyes and floundered about for a tissue that wasn't already soaked. 

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