Liam and Niall sick*Extended

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"Whoa, Li, you look rough!"

"I didn't get a lot of sleep, I'm alright," he shrugged, adjusting the grip he had on his suit case and yawning into his hand as if to prove his point. My eyebrows tugged together, "you weren't nervous about flying?"

"Nah Ni, I think I'm over that by now." Liam chuckled and raised a brow. He used to get pretty uncomfortable whenever we had to fly somewhere, something about being in a massive steel tube and not being able to get out made him anxious. It was a fear that was faced on the weekly in this job and as far as I knew he was over it. However, I couldn't think of another reason why he wouldn't have slept right.

I'd been excited about our holiday so it took me a while longer than it would usually to fall asleep, but after that I was like a rock.

I paused to give Liam a minute to try explain himself but he seemed to be finished with the conversation, distracted by the plane tearing down the runway 500 metres away.

Two men came from behind us, offered kind smiles and then gestured for our luggage. Once I'd handed my large suitcase over I realised that they were wheeling another two along, apart from mine and Liam's.

A bright grin spread across my face as I spun around and saw Louis and Harry running towards us.

"Oi, we were gonna give ya a fright!" Louis called out, slowing down.

I laughed as they barrelled closer and closer, "not sneaky enough Tommo!"

We shared quick hugs when they reached Liam and I out on the tarmac. It was good to see them, while Liam and I had hung out only the day before yesterday, going bowling in the city, I hadn't seen Lou and Haz for the best of a fortnight.

"The plane's ready for you lot!"

"Let's go!" Harry cheered excitedly, grabbing onto my arm. I laughed as he dragged me over and then all the way up the steps into the plane. I breathed in and smiled, glancing around the sleek interior. Never in my life did I think that I'd have the luxury of traveling in my own plane. I wasn't quite dramatic enough to actually buy my own, but being rich enough to be able to hire one was an achievement.

I dumped my backpack on the floor and kicked it under the chair I was claiming as mine, right beside the window on the right. There were only about twenty seats on the plane so I didn't exactly have a lot of choice, but I always had a window seat when I could. Maybe it was the immature child inside of me breaking through the cracks but there wasn't a lot that was cooler than watching the buildings shrink smaller as we took off into the sky.

"She's a beauty." Louis grinned and ran a finger across the counter top. Behind it was a larger than life fridge that I presumed contained all the flight-proof meals and drinks. There was a microwave to warm in all up whenever we liked. It didn't excite me very much. I'd brought a lot of snack foods with me because none of the plane-food I'd ever had was worthy of any awards but 'the worst mashed potato ever.'

The voice of who I supposed was one of the pilots came over the speakers, "if you'd like to take your seats and buckle off we'll begin preparing for take off."

"That was quick," Harry said, shrugging as he plopped into a random seat. He chucked his bag onto the one beside him and Louis pouted as he looked around for somewhere else to sit.

I nodded my head at the single seat in front of me, facing the left wall of the plane, "sit there, you can always move later. Or make Harry shift his shit."

"I need the leg room." Harry smiled and demonstrated, tossing his legs over the spare seat, "sorry Lou."

Louis lifted his chin and shook his head, "I didn't want to sit next to you anyway."

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