Harry carsick- for or_is_it

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"All aboard!" Louis chimed as he ran towards his car, jingling the keys over his head. He had to pull his pants up a little before he could open the door, and the extra few seconds just made his clothes and skin even wetter. He smiled at us, rain dripping from his lashes.

The rest of us just shared glances, still standing under the shelter by the front door.

It was pouring down. The grass was flooding, the sky was black and the rain just wouldn't stop. 

And now Louis wanted to go on a road trip, to a museum of all places. Apparently there was an exhibit there on like frickin dinosaurs or something equally stupid and he just had to see it today of all days. 

And he wouldn't just be going by himself either, no, we all had to go.

I had been the only one to just blatantly refuse, Liam had shrugged because he didn't really mind, and Niall didn't take much convincing but I just straight up told him I wasn't going.

It all would've worked out, I would've been able to hang around the apartment for the day while they went off and drove for five hours just to get to a museum, but Louis was so god damn annoying when he was trying to be.

I couldn't have lasted a minute longer without murdering him.

I said no, and he pretty much just perched on the arm of the couch and screeched a loud and insistent please over and over again until I snapped and turned the TV off. I couldn't hear it anyway.

So there we were, getting ready to go on a road trip in what could possibly be the worst weather in existence. I'm not a negative person, but the rain and darkness was enough to put anyone in a crap mood.

Louis shot us all a 'what the hell are you waiting for?' look from inside the car, honking the horn loudly.

"What would happen if we just went back inside?" I said. Even I knew how whiny I sounded but I really just couldn't be bothered leaving the apartment.

"He'd drag us back out." Liam chuckled, "come on, let's just go."

He stepped out into the rain and rushed into the car before he could get too wet. Niall shot me a small smile and then followed, slipping a little on the grass. I sighed and thought about turning around and going back to bed. 

Louis would probably kill me.

 I ran to the car and threw myself into the back, hooking the door shut with my foot. It was only a ten step dash, but my jeans were soaked. Niall was on the other side of me and Liam was in the passenger seat next to Louis with his feet resting on the dash.

 Louis grinned at me in the mirror, his eyes sparkling teasingly, "is everyone wearing their seatbelts?" 

He was trying to piss me off on purpose, dickhead.

I grinned back in an overly sweet way, "I think mine would look better around your neck." 

Louis just laughed, unfazed.

I grumbled a bit to myself and clicked my belt into place, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Just let it go Hazza, enjoying this won't hurt you," Liam said, and I knew that he wasn't trying to be rude or anything, but I was just so agitated and irritated that I couldn't help but snarl at him before casting my gaze out the window.

"Oooh, testy," Louis teased.

 I closed my eyes to keep from exploding.

The car burst into life and we rolled out of the driveway and out onto the road.

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