Harry's daughter sick- for Sasosmash

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"Come on Dad, wake up."


I grunted and chucked one of Lila's pillows from her empty side of the bed at whoever was trying to talk to me. My alarm hadn't gone off which meant there was no point in being awake right now.

"Oi, you grumpy old man, Mara's upset or something. She's crying and I can't sleep."

I took a breath, inhaling the leftover scent of my beautiful wife. She had only been gone a day, hardly 24 hours, but I was missing her tremendously. I wasn't sure how I was going to survive the rest of the week. She's gone to visit her brother because him and his partner had fallen pregnant. Lila got super excited of course and suggested we all go down for a visit but after a few days of mopey teenage boy we asked Jackson what the matter was and he admitted that even though he really wanted to see his uncle and auntie he would be missing a lot of important stuff at school. Then Mara started having nightmares about being away from home and I told Lila that it would probably be best if she went on her own.

"Mmmm okay" I slurred tiredly and rolled out of bed, "go back to bed Jacko."

"That's the plan." He nodded in the dimness and shuffled back off to his room. I tugged on a pair of pants quickly and headed off down the hall to Mara's room. With every step the crying became louder and I felt like an awful parent for not waking earlier. She sounded near hysterical.

"Hey Sweetpea, what are these tears for?" I sat down on her bed and set her small form on my lap. I couldn't help but coo as she buried herself in my chest and grabbed tightly onto my shirt. She might've been six years old but she was small for her age and it was easy to mistake her for much younger, especially when she was like this.

She was too worked up to answer so I spent the next ten minutes simply rubbing her back and whispering softly to her. When she finally did look up at me her eyes were puffy and filled with unshed tears. Her face was blotchy from crying so hard and her thumb was stuffed into her mouth. It was habit Lila had broken her out of a year or so ago, I was way too soft to properly do anything about it. She was just too cute.

Lila reminded me plenty of times how bad it was for her teeth but I couldn't bring myself to care because buck teeth were pretty cute too.

"Are you ready to tell me what's got you so upset so early in the morning Baby?" I asked gently, combing her hair with my fingers.

"I w-woke up Daddy an it was d-dark an I-" Mara hiccuped quietly.  I quickly realised that the night light wasn't working. She hid her face again and mumbled something I couldn't quite make out.

"What was that Mara?" I asked, shifting her slightly. Her body was hot and sweaty from crying but after a few seconds I realised that she couldn't possibly have sweat so much she was making my sweatpants damp.

"Oh, did you have an accident? That's okay Baby, you don't have to be embarrassed" I stood with her clinging around my neck. She was as light as a feather and hardly weighed me down as I wandered over to turn the light on knowing that I'd need to see a little better in order to change the sheet. I wasn't sure how I hadn't recognised the smell earlier, now I knew about it it felt like it was all I could smell.

"I didn't m-mean t-to, 'm sorry" Mara blubbered hysterically.

"I know Sweetpea, it's alright. You don't need to say sorry" I promised her. I sat her in her little reading chair with a blanket while I tended to the wet bed. I stripped off the sheets and quickly ran out to the cupboard to get a fresh set.

"When I'm all finished you can hop back into bed while I fix your light for you Baby, and then you can get some rest before morning." I shot her as wide a smile I could manage at two a clock in the morning. One corner of her mouth twitched up but I could tell she wasn't really feeling it. Although she'd calmed down mostly silent tears were still falling down her soft cheeks and she was shaking slightly.

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