Harry- for onedirectionsickfics

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When Harry trudged out into the kitchenette of the bus slumped and moving at the speed of a sloth I knew that today wasn't going to be all that great for the youngest of us. His eyes were hardly open until he tripped, exposing the bloodshot whites and dilated pupils as he caught himself on the counter.

"You look like crap H..." Niall dead panned from his spot on the couch.
Harry's lips twitched and he rolled his shoulders back with a deep breath, "I'm okay."

I frowned to myself, scanning over his shaky posture. It was obvious the poor guy was exhausted. The last few nights had been pretty late ones as we weren't getting back to the bus until two or three in the morning which meant there wasn't a lot of time for sleeping before the early morning rises. The rest of us, we'd learned to manage the shorter sleep times and wacky patterns enough to function and get used to it but Harry was a bit of a different story, and it definitely wasn't his fault.

Sleep was a major priority for him, if he didn't get enough things would happen and they were things he hated to talk about and hated even more to experience.
When he didn't get enough sleep he panicked, which resulted in even less sleep. There wasn't a lot we could do for him sadly.
"Don't forget your pills this morning Hazza," Liam reminded with a soft pat on Harry's shoulder blade as he wandered past. I hoped he was changing his socks before we went out to this photoshoot, those ones he had one were damn near atrocious.
Harry swallowed and nodded his head, already sluggishly popping a tablet out of its capsule.

"We have an hour before we need to go mate, you can try get some sleep if you'd like? I'll wake you," I suggested as he sat down beside me, leaning over a bowl of cereal. He rubbed at his temple and shook his head, "no, that's okay. I'd rather stay awake."
"Just relax then, you look dead on your feet," I sighed empathetically, "rough night I take it?"
"Rough nights," Harry corrected quietly.
I bit my lip worriedly. I couldn't help it. I knew he didn't like us even thinking about it at all but I was worrying fiercely for him. I'd only ever seen on of his episodes and that was enough to know I never wanted to see it again. He was so embarrassed and sickly when it was over and I just didn't want him to ever have to go through it. I should've monitored his sleeping more closely, I should've been there for him. So what if he's an adult, I'm still his friend.

I huffed, disappointed in myself.

An hour later I felt awful for dragging an over tired Harry out into the cool wind blowing outside. Thankfully the actual shoot was indoors where it was at least warmer but it didn't mean any less activity, being bossed around by photographers and such. Liam and Niall kept shooting me glances as well as each other, silently questioning whether the day was going to carry on as normal or if we were going to have a possible episode on our hands.

I say episode, and I mean seizure.

As in full blown, out to the world, flailing fit.

Harry told us years and years ago he had epilepsy, he was on medication, sleep deprivation was a main trigger, and that was the extent of the conversation before he clamped up and walked straight out of the room, cheeks on fire. We assumed he didn't like to talk about it and left it alone, as if he'd never said anything about it at all.
It had all been fine, I'd almost forgotten to be honest, until Harry had that seizure a year ago. Then it truly hit me what all this was and just how scary it could be. He was okay afterwards, considering, but still, scary stuff.

An hour and a half later and the photographers had finally decided that they'd had enough of us and let us sit down by a snack table to wait for a bit while they checked to make sure they had everything they needed.
Harry tucked his knees in and rested his head on top of them, straining to keep his eyes open.
I frowned, "sleep if you need to Hazza."
He shook his head stiffly, "can't."
Now Niall and Liam were mirroring my confused look, he definitely could, he was practically unconscious already.

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